How to use:
Compile the files, either by running the given makefile with 'make' or by compiling main.cpp
To run the project, run the compiled file with the following arguments:
Starting Color [W/B]
Search Depth [any integer]
KEEP SEARCH DEPTH WITHIN REASON!!! IT WORKS in O(c^n) time (approx O(22^n) on average), so it can get out of control very very quickly!
Something like './main.out W 3' would work.
The bot will make and display its moves on the board automatically
When it is the players turn, Input moves by typing the symbol for the piece [P/B/R/N/K/Q], the starting square, a space, and the ending square
'Pe2 e4', 'Qa1 a8', etc.
4a. If taking a piece, place the letter 'x' before the ending square
'Qa1 xa8', 'Kf7 xf6', etc.
When you are done with your move, hit enter and the bot will work on a response
To exit, kill the program with Ctrl + C