Hello! I am Shaurya Bansal. I live in India. I am a programmer and a web developer. Feel free to use my djs template to get a head start. My Discord tag - fin#6856
A basic Discord.js v14 template to get your started.
- Create a file named
. - An example has been created
. - Enter the following details to it:
MONGODBURL=YOUR MONGODB URL [Only required for commands which requires some data to store]
ERROR_LOGS=CHANNEL ID[ID of the error log channel in discord]
- Save the file. Open Terminal in the Project Directory.
- Run:
npm install
node index.js or npm run dev or node .
- Enjoy!!.
- Change the bot's prefix by changing
client.prefix=YOUR PREFIX;
in ./index.js
line 64.
- You can change your default footer by changing
client.footer="Your footer";
in ./index.js
line 66.
- Extremely comfortable handler. Very easy to use.
- Has Cooldown features.
- Supports both Slash And Legacy(message) Commands
- Awesome Console
- Error Handler
- Mention Reply
- Join Message
- ownerOnly commands
- maintanence commands
- userPerms
- botPerms
- I am going to add a ton of features in the next version like
- Automatic cooldown delete
- and much more. So stay tuned!
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Discord
- Discord Rich Presence
- FiredragonPlayz#0087
- Elitex#0007
If Any Bug Open Pull Request