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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

🎨 design
:art: design
📖 documentation
:book: documentation
💥 priority
:boom: priority
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
🛠️ code-cleanup
:hammer_and_wrench: code-cleanup
✔️ dependencies
:heavy_check_mark: dependencies
Pull requests that update Javascript code
🔍 need-more-infos
:mag: need-more-infos
🔍 needs triage
:mag: needs triage
📝 duplicate
:memo: duplicate
❓ question
:question: question
🚀 feature-request
:rocket: feature-request
⌚ stale
:watch: stale
👋 Help wanted
:wave: Help wanted
:white_check_mark: LGTM
✅ merge-on-release
:white_check_mark: merge-on-release
✅ ready-to-merge
:white_check_mark: ready-to-merge
❌ won't fix
:x: won't fix
⚡ breaking-change
:zap: breaking-change