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Commit 61 (Beta Candidate)
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- Improved support for computed values in paths: support
  and bug fixes for templates (and data-linking) which
  include complex expressions with computed properties
  (with or without parameters), including computed values
  which return objects, and using paths which chain
  computed values - for example:
  "a.b().c.d.e(p, q).f"

- Full support for deep paths with computed values, with
  live data binding to any chosen depth (see Breaking
  Change below), and optionally involving complex
  expressions - for example:
  "a.b()^c.d.e(p + (r - 1), q + 't').f + 'x' + g"

(see #285):
- Depth of binding of paths is now controlled by the '^'
  character, whether or not the path includes computed
  For example:
  will do leaf binding only, so will 'observe' (listen to)
  changes in c, but NOT changes in b(). (This is breaking,
  since previously this path DID observe b()...)
  To observe both c and b(), use the path:
  To observe ALL changes in the path - a, b() and c(),

- Improved support for custom tag inheritance from
  base tag - e.g.: {baseTag: "for", ...}

Bug Fixes

- Several small additional bug fixes.

- Many new unit tests added.
  • Loading branch information
BorisMoore committed Dec 25, 2014
1 parent eeba165 commit 3c83204
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Showing 17 changed files with 6,967 additions and 3,911 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions demos/features/observability/observing-paths.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ <h3>Data-linking to deep paths - observing changes higher up the path</h3>
return ($.inArray(val, this.tagCtx.props.array) + 1) || "0";
setObject: function(val) {
var selectedObject = this.tagCtx.props.array[val-1];
var selectedObject = this.tagCtx.props.array[val-1] || null;
$.observable([0], selectedObject);
return this.tagCtx.props.array[val-1];
return selectedObject;

Expand Down
609 changes: 320 additions & 289 deletions jquery.observable.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions jquery.observable.min.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

129 changes: 71 additions & 58 deletions jquery.views.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/*! JsViews v1.0.0-alpha: and
informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 61 (Beta Candidate) */
* Interactive data-driven views using templates and data-linking.
* Requires jQuery and jsrender.js (next-generation jQuery Templates, optimized for pure string-based rendering)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
CHECKBOX = "checkbox",
RADIO = "radio",
NONE = "none",
sTRUE = "true",
TRUE = "true",
closeScript = '"></script>',
openScript = '<script type="jsv',
deferAttr = jsvAttrStr + "-df",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */

function elemChangeHandler(ev, params, sourceValue) {
var setter, cancel, fromAttr, linkCtx, cvtBack, cnvtName, target, $source, view, binding, oldLinkCtx, onBeforeChange, onAfterChange, tag, to, eventArgs,
var setter, cancel, fromAttr, linkCtx, cvtBack, cnvtName, target, $source, view, binding, oldLinkCtx, onBeforeChange, onAfterChange, tag, to, eventArgs, exprOb,
source =,
bindings = source._jsvBnd,
splitBindings = /&(\d+)\+?/g;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,6 +142,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
cnvtName = to[1];
to = to[0]; // [object, path]
to = to + "" === to ? [, to] : to;
if (cnvtName) {
if ($isFunction(cnvtName)) {
cvtBack = cnvtName;
Expand All @@ -165,7 +167,14 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
sourceValue !== undefined) {
target = to[0]; // [object, path]
if (sourceValue !== undefined && target) {
target = target._jsvOb ? target._ob : target;
if (target._jsv) {
exprOb = target;
target =;
while (exprOb && {
target = linkCtx._ctxCb(exprOb, target);
exprOb =;
if (tag) {
tag._.chging = true; // marker to prevent tag change event triggering its own refresh
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,7 +272,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
// For {{: ...}} without a convert or convertBack, we already have the sourceValue, and we are done
// For {{: ...}} with either cvt or cvtBack we call convertVal to get the sourceValue and instantiate the tag
// If cvt is undefined then this is a tag, and we call renderTag to get the rendered content and instantiate the tag
cvt = cvt === "" ? sTRUE : cvt; // If there is a cvtBack but no cvt, set cvt to "true"
cvt = cvt === "" ? TRUE : cvt; // If there is a cvtBack but no cvt, set cvt to "true"
sourceValue = cvt // Call convertVal if it is a {{cvt:...}} - otherwise call renderTag
? $views._cnvt(cvt, view, sourceValue[0] || sourceValue) // convertVal
: $views._tag(linkFn._tag, view, view.tmpl, sourceValue, true, onError); // renderTag
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -593,7 +602,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
attr =
$viewsSettings.merge[nodeName] // get attr settings for input textarea select or optgroup
|| elem.contentEditable === sTRUE && {to: htmlStr, from: htmlStr}; // Or if contentEditable set to "true" set attr to "html"
|| elem.contentEditable === TRUE && {to: htmlStr, from: htmlStr}; // Or if contentEditable set to "true" set attr to "html"
return attr
? (to
? ((nodeName === "input" && elem.type === RADIO) // For radio buttons, bind from value, but bind to 'radio' - special value.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -720,12 +729,12 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */

function observeAndBind(linkCtx, source, target) { //TODO? linkFnArgs) {;
var binding, l, linkedElem,
var binding, l, linkedElem, exprFnDeps, exprOb,
tag = linkCtx.tag,
cvtBk = linkCtx.convertBack,
depends = [],
bindId = linkCtx._bndId || "" + bindingKey++,
handler = linkCtx._hdlr;
handler = linkCtx._hdl;

delete linkCtx._bndId;

Expand All @@ -742,10 +751,23 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
// Unobserve previous binding
$observable._apply(false, [source], linkCtx._depends, handler, true);

exprFnDeps = linkCtx.fn.deps.slice(); // Make a copy of the dependency paths for the compiled linkCtx expression - to pass to observe(). In getInnerCb(),
// (and whenever the object is updated, in innerCb), we will set exprOb.ob to the current object returned by that computed expression, for this view.
l = exprFnDeps.length;
while (l--) {
exprOb = exprFnDeps[l];
if (exprOb._jsv) {
// This path is an 'exprOb', corresponding to a computed, returning an object. We replace the exprOb by
// a view-binding-specific exprOb instance. The current object will be stored as exprOb.ob.
exprFnDeps[l] = $extend({}, exprOb);

binding = $observable._apply(
linkCtx.fn.deps, // flatten the paths - to gather all the dependencies across args and bound params
exprFnDeps, // flatten the paths - to gather all the dependencies across args and bound params
Expand All @@ -754,6 +776,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
binding.elem = target; // The target of all the individual bindings
binding.linkCtx = linkCtx;
binding._tgId = bindId;

// Add to the _jsvBnd on the target the view id and binding id - for unbinding when the target element is removed
target._jsvBnd = target._jsvBnd || "";
target._jsvBnd += "&" + bindId;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -815,7 +838,9 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
// from = to;
// to = "body";

if (typeof context !== "object") {
context = undefined;
if (tmplOrLinkTag && to) {
to = to.jquery ? to : $(to); // to is a jquery object or an element or selector

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1405,7 +1430,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
: (self.parentElem //
|| document.body); // link(null, data) to link the whole document

validate = !$viewsSettings.noValidate && parentNode.contentEditable !== sTRUE;
validate = !$viewsSettings.noValidate && parentNode.contentEditable !== TRUE;
parentTag = parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase();
elCnt = !!elContent[parentTag];

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1607,7 +1632,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
linkCtx.view = new $sub.View(linkCtx.ctx, "link", topView,, topView.tmpl, undefined, undefined, addBindingMarkers);
linkCtx._ctxCb = getContextCb(linkCtx.view); // _ctxCb is for filtering/appending to dependency paths: function(path, object) { return [(object|path)*]}
linkCtx._hdlr = handler;
linkCtx._hdl = handler;

Expand All @@ -1629,7 +1654,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
return node &&
("" + node === node
? node
: node.tagName === "SCRIPT"
: node.tagName === SCRIPT
? node.type.slice(3)
: node.nodeType === 1 && node.getAttribute(jsvAttrStr) || "");
Expand All @@ -1650,8 +1675,8 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
var elCnt, tokens,
infos = [];
if (tokens = isVal ? node : markerNodeInfo(node)) {
infos.elCnt = !node.type;
elCnt = tokens.charAt(0) === "@" || !node.type;
elCnt = infos.elCnt = node.tagName !== SCRIPT;
elCnt = tokens.charAt(0) === "@" || elCnt;
infos._tkns = tokens;
// rMarkerTokens = /(?:(#)|(\/))(\d+)([_^])([-+@\d]+)?/g;
tokens.replace(rBinding || rMarkerTokens, getInfos);
Expand All @@ -1677,7 +1702,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
if (marker) {
if (marker.nodeType !== 1) {
// For text nodes, we will add a script node before
marker = document.createElement("SCRIPT");
marker = document.createElement(SCRIPT);
marker.type = "jsv";
node.parentNode.insertBefore(marker, node);
} else if (!markerNodeInfo(marker) && !marker.getAttribute($viewsLinkAttr)) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1742,7 +1767,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
: prevNode && prevNode.nextSibling);

while (node && (!nextNode || node !== nextNode)) {
if (withMarkers || elCnt || node.tagName !== "SCRIPT") {
if (withMarkers || elCnt || node.tagName !== SCRIPT) {
// All the top-level nodes in the view
// (except script marker nodes, unless withMarkers = true)
// (Note: If a script marker node, viewInfo.elCnt undefined)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1867,7 +1892,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
} else {
} else if (linkedElem.contentEditable === sTRUE) {
} else if (linkedElem.contentEditable === TRUE) {
linkedElem.innerHTML = val;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1898,28 +1923,38 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
function bindTo(binding, cvtBk) {
// Two-way binding.
// We set the[1] to be the cvtBack, and[0] to be either the path to the target, or [object, path] where the target is the path on the provided object.
// So for a path with an object call: a.b.getObject().d.e, then we set to[0] to be [returnedObject, "d.e"], and we bind to the path on the returned object as target
// So for a computed path with an object call: a.b.getObject().d.e, then we set to[0] to be [exprOb, "d.e"], and we bind to the path on the returned object, exprOb.ob, as target
// Otherwise our target is the first path, paths[0], which we will convert with contextCb() for paths like ~a.b.c or #x.y.z

var bindto, pathIndex, firstPath, lastPath, bindtoOb,
var bindto, pathIndex, path, lastPath, bindtoOb,
linkCtx = binding.linkCtx,
source =,
paths = linkCtx.fn.paths;
if (binding && paths) {
paths = (bindto = paths._jsvto) || paths[0];
pathIndex = paths && paths.length;
while (pathIndex && "" + (lastPath = paths[--pathIndex]) !== lastPath) {} // If the lastPath is an object (e.g. with _jsvOb property), take preceding one
if (lastPath && (!linkCtx.tag || linkCtx.tag.tagCtx.args.length)) {
lastPath = lastPath.split("^").join("."); // We don't need the "^" since binding has happened. For to binding, require just "."s = lastPath.charAt(0) === "."
? [[bindtoOb = paths[pathIndex - 1], lastPath.slice(1)], cvtBk] // someexpr().lastpath - so need to get the bindtoOb object returned from the expression
: [linkCtx._ctxCb(firstPath = pathIndex ? paths[0].split("^").join(".") : lastPath) || [source, firstPath], cvtBk];

if (bindto && bindtoOb) {
// This is a linkTo binding {:expr linkTo=someob().some.path:}
// If it returned an object, we need to call the callback to get the object instance, so we bind to the final path (.some.path) starting from that object[0][0] = linkCtx._ctxCb(bindtoOb, source);
if (pathIndex && (!linkCtx.tag || linkCtx.tag.tagCtx.args.length)) {
lastPath = paths[pathIndex - 1];
if (lastPath._jsv) {
bindtoOb = lastPath;
while ( && {
path = lastPath =;
path = || path && path.path;
lastPath = path ? path.slice(1) : bindtoOb.path;
} = path
? [ // "...someexpr().lastpath..." - so need to get the bindtoOb 'exprOb' object for this view-binding
bindtoOb, // 'exprOb' for this expression and view-binding. So bindtoOb.ob is current object returned by expression.
: [
linkCtx._ctxCb(path = lastPath.split("^").join(".")) || [source, path],
} else { = [[], cvtBk];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2006,7 +2041,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
delete bindingStore[bindId]; // Delete already, so call to onDispose handler below cannot trigger recursive deletion (through recursive call to jQuery cleanData)
for (objId in binding.bnd) {
object = binding.bnd[objId];
obsId = ".obs" + binding.cbId;
obsId = binding.cbId;
if ($.isArray(object)) {
$([object]).off(arrayChangeStr + obsId).off(propertyChangeStr + obsId); // There may be either or both of arrayChange and propertyChange
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2116,8 +2151,8 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */
var tokens, tag,
items = [object];
if (view && path) {
if (path._jsvOb) {
return, object, view, $views);
if (path._jsv) {
return, object, view, $views);
if (path.charAt(0) === "~") {
// We return new items to insert into the sequence, replacing the "~a.b.c" string:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2637,7 +2672,7 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */

$tags("props", {
baseTag: $tags["for"],
baseTag: "for",
dataMap: ${
getTgt: $tags.props.dataMap.getTgt,
obsSrc: observeProps,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2855,26 +2890,4 @@ informal pre V1.0 commit counter: 60 (Beta Candidate) */

// Tests for different attr settings on tags
// tests of onAfterBind extensibility
// tests for maps...
// tests for programmatic map scenarios
// tests for sorted table, using map=sort or {{sort}} with props for setting sort parameters
// tests for setting()
// tests for settings.debugMode()
// tests for {on data=...}
// tests for {on } binding when doing top-level data-linking
// tests for debug mode, noDomLevel0, noValidate
// linkTo docs and tests.
// Additional tests and examples for structured params - tagCtx.params
// Using jsobservable without jsviews - settings??
// Examples for:
// overriding error messages
// Binding to tag properties and contextual properties
// Fallback strings or onError handlers for any tag instance
// $.observable(object).removeProperty(path)
// data-link="{on ... myHandler}" (See unit tests. Examples to follow)
// VERIFY link=false support
// target="replace" scenarios
})(this, this.jQuery);
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions jquery.views.min.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions

Large diffs are not rendered by default.


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