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⛔️ DEPRECATED - A message broker for google cloud tasks


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As of September 2024 this package is deprecated and will receive no further updates.

Any internal changes should be made directly in lu-greenfield.


A message broker based on Google Cloud Tasks (or PubSub).


b0rker is a framework for running sequences small functions (also known as lambdas) to perform complex and sensitive tasks, such as collecting payments. Each lambda should perform a single state change, and should be idempotent (and ideally, atomic, as neither Cloud Tasks nor PubSub (push) can guarantee exactly-once delivery).

Queue routing and concurrency/rate limits

Cloud Tasks supports setting rate and concurrency limits on a per-queue basis, which can be used to control the message flow. If multiple queues are set up, each lambda can be routed to a specific queue, meaning that task will run with the rate/concurrency limits set for that queue, but all others will run with on the default queue. One use case is for tasks that make API calls to a rate limited third-party service, or to not overwhelm a database.

Config needed

Can be either set with config as below or with environment variables when invoking the application.

Option Description
cloudTasks_queues_default name of the default Cloud Tasks queue, in the format projects/<project name>/locations/<location>/queues/<queue name>
cloudTasks_selfUrl URL to the application itself
cloudTasks_localPort Only used when running local Cloud Tasks Emulator
jobStorage could be either memory or firestore
deadLetterTopic name of the dead letter topic (PubSub is still used to deliver DLX messages)
  "cloudTasks": {
    "selfUrl": "",
    "queues": {
      "default": "projects/project-id/locations/location/queues/foo-queue"
  "jobStorage": "memory",
  "topic": "topic",
  "deadLetterTopic": "dead-letter-topic"

If rate/concurrency limited queues are needed, these can be added under cloudTasks.queues:

  "cloudTasks": {
    "selfUrl": "",
    "queues": {
      "default": "projects/project-id/locations/location/queues/foo-queue",
      "concurrencyLimited": "projects/project-id/locations/location/queues/bar-queue",
      "rateLimited": "projects/project-id/locations/location/queues/baz-queue"
  "jobStorage": "memory",
  "topic": "topic",
  "deadLetterTopic": "dead-letter-topic"

Note that the default queue is always required.

Config needed (PubSub legacy)

Can be either set with config as below or with environment variables when invoking the application.

Option Description
jobStorage could be either memory or firestore
topic name of the topic
deadLetterTopic name of the dead letter topic

Example: ./config/$NODE_ENV.json

  "jobStorage": "memory",
  "topic": "topic",
  "deadLetterTopic": "dead-letter-topic"

Example usage

import { start, route } from "b0rker";

import getOrder from "./lib/lambdas/get-order.js";
import { orderProcessing, orderProcessed } from "./lib/lambdas/order-state.js";
import createInvoice from "./lib/lambdas/create-invoice.js";
import collectPayment from "./lib/lambdas/collect-payment.js";

  recipes: [
      namespace: "sequence",
      name: "process-order",
      sequence: [
        route(".get.order", getOrder),
        route(".update.order-state--processing", orderProcessing),
        route(".perform.create-invoice", createInvoice, { queue: "concurrencyLimited" }),
        route(".perform.collect-payment", collectPayment),
        route(".update.order-state--processed", orderProcessed),


Running a sequence from start to finish can be roughly described by the following flowchart:

  graph TD
      start["Start sequence"] --> publish(["Publish first message"])
      publish --> receiveMessage["Receive message"]
      receiveMessage --> sendToDlx{{"Too many retries?"}}
      sendToDlx -- No --> lambda((("Run lambda")))
      sendToDlx -- Yes --> dlx[/"Send to DLX"/]
      lambda -- Success --> triggers{{"Any triggers in response?"}}
      lambda -- Unhandled error --> nack["Nack message and retry"]
      lambda -- Retry --> nack["Nack message and retry"]
      lambda -- Reject --> dlx
      lambda -- Unrecoverable --> hasUnrecoverableHandler{{"Is there an unrecoverable handler?"}}
      nack -- Exponential backoff --> receiveMessage
      triggers -- No --> hasNextMessage{{"Is there a next message?"}}
      triggers -- Sequence --> triggerMainSequence(["Publish main sequence trigger message"])
      triggerMainSequence -. Trigger another sequence .-> start
      triggers -- Subsequence --> publishSub(["Bulk publish subsequence trigger messages"])
      triggerMainSequence --> hasNextMessage
      publishSub -. Trigger N subsequences .-> start
      unrecoverable --> processed(["Publish #quot;processed#quot; message"])
      hasNextMessage -- No --> processed
      hasNextMessage -- Yes --> publishNext(["Publish next message"])
      publishNext --> receiveMessage["Receive message"]
      hasUnrecoverableHandler -- Yes --> unrecoverable((("Run handler")))
      processed --> subSeqProcessed{{"Is it a subsequence?"}}
      subSeqProcessed -- No --> finishedMain[/"Sequence is finished"/]
      subSeqProcessed -- Yes --> subSeqLastCheck{{"Is it the last subsequence?"}}
      subSeqLastCheck -- Yes --> publishResumeMainSeq(["Publish resume main sequence message"])
      subSeqLastCheck -- No --> finishedSub[/"Subsequence is finished"/]
      publishResumeMainSeq --> receiveMessage
      publishResumeMainSeq --> finishedSub