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🎨 Accessibility
🎨 Accessibility
Let's make BobaBoard more accessible!
✨ API endpoint
✨ API endpoint
An issue that involve creating new API endpoints
πŸ›  API
πŸ›  API
Can design a new REST API endpoint for BobaBoard's backend
πŸ›  Architecture Design
πŸ›  Architecture Design
Some expertise in Architecture Design required; might need to write an actual design doc
☁️ Average
☁️ Average
⏩ Awaiting reproduction
⏩ Awaiting reproduction
⛔️ Blocked
⛔️ Blocked
πŸ“¦ boba-backend
πŸ“¦ boba-backend
An issue that involves the boba-backend repository
πŸ“¦ boba-components
πŸ“¦ boba-components
An issue that involves the boba-components repository
πŸ“¦ boba-editor
πŸ“¦ boba-editor
An issue that involves the boba-editor repository
πŸ“¦ boba-frontend
πŸ“¦ boba-frontend
An issue that involves the boba-frontend repository
πŸͺ³ Bug
πŸͺ³ Bug
Something isn't working as expected
🎨 Community
🎨 Community
Tools to improve BobaBoard's communities experience.
🎨 Customization
🎨 Customization
Personalizing BobaBoard for personal or community use.
🎨 Decentralization
🎨 Decentralization
Look, ma! No NFTs.
⏩ Design
⏩ Design
Open issues need deliberation before implementation can proceed
πŸͺ² Dev experience
πŸͺ² Dev experience
An issue that's not visible to users, but it's definitely visible to developers.
πŸ›  DevOps
πŸ›  DevOps
🌀 Easy
🌀 Easy
🐞 Feature
🐞 Feature
Add a new feature or improve an existing one
🎨 Frustration busters
🎨 Frustration busters
Make BobaBoard a pleasure to use
A large task that has smaller issues/tasks underneath it
🦡 Good first issue
🦡 Good first issue
Good for newcomers to the project
β›ˆοΈ Hard
β›ˆοΈ Hard
Requires experience writing HTML/CSS
⏩ Implementation
⏩ Implementation
A feature that's currently being implemented
🎨 Integrations
🎨 Integrations
Anything related to the ability to exchange data with 3rd party software.
πŸ›  JavaScript
πŸ›  JavaScript
This task requires an understanding of JavaScript
🚒 Large
🚒 Large
⛡️ Medium
⛡️ Medium