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This Lambda Labs Project is a location based trip planner to keep your family and friends informed of your adventures.

Tech Stack

React, Express, Node, Postgres

Deploy URL Backwoods

To run project locally

Known issue

You must use NPM to install packages for this project. Our Heroku deploy fails if yarn.lock files are present in the build. With no lock file a package manager will install the newest dependencies which can cause incompatibility issues. Notably the date picker and maps packages that we are using.

  1. Clone repo.
  2. In /CS8-Backwoods type npm i to install back-end dependencies.
  3. Make sure you have a Postgres DB running on your local machine. Instructions here
  4. The npm start command will start back-end server listening on port 8000.
  5. Open a new terminal window.
  6. cd client type npm i to install front-end dependencies.
  7. The or npm start command visit site at localhost:3000

Testing Instructions

  1. Sign-up: located in the top right hand corner is a SIGN UP/SIGN IN button, this will pop-up a modal to the sign-up forum after entering the needed credentials to sign-up and hitting submit will make a green user successfully created! tab pop up at the top of the browser and should direct you to the sign-in modal.
  2. Sign-in: After signing up and being redirected to sign-in your username and password should already be filled in with the correct credentials and you can hit submit to quickly sign-in. This will make a green Logged in successful! tab pop up at the top of the browser and redirect you to the logged in home page where you get a navigation bar on the side and a Add your first trip! card with the plus Icon on the page.
  3. Adding your first Trip: If you click on the plus Icon you'll be routed to the create-trip page. On this page you'll have to fill out Name, Start Date, End Date and the save trip button will no longer be grayed out and enabled! After filling out the required fields to save the trip you can click the Add button to the right of the map to add your first marker to the trip. Once you've clicked Add you can now fill out your marker name and the card will open up and show your required ETA for the marker. After filling out your Marker Name and ETA you can click on the map to place your marker then you're able to save the marker to the trip and the Add button will not be grayed out and enabled once again to add more markers, if you want to delete the marker you'll see the Remove button is no longer grayed out (after saving a marker) and you can delete that marker and add a new one. After completing these steps you can save your trip and you'll be redirected back to the home page and see your trip in a card view with yourtitleat the top and start date/end date located below the thumbnail.
  4. Clicking to view a trip: After you've created your trip(s) you can click on the card that was created for your trip(s) and you'll be directed to the view for the trip you just clicked on you'll have your trip Name in the top right and your start date/end date to the right of the map once again. You'll also have checkpoint name(marker name) in a card that is clickable to view your ETA for that marker. markers will be placed on the map that correspond with the checkpoint/marker on the right hand side of the map (currently not implemented).
  5. Archiving Trips: After clicking the Home breadcrumb in the top right you'll be redirected to see your saved trip(s) again and you can Archive a trip by clicking the Archive button. This will take the trip out of your main trip(s) view and place it in the Archived section of your navigation on the left. Once clicking the Archived you'll be able to see your Archived trips (working on getting this view to see the archived trips).
  6. Changing Password: when clicking on the Account tab in the navigation you'll be redirected to a card where you can change your password. After entering your existing email, Old Password, and your desired New Password you'll have a green tab that pops up at the top of the browser saying Changed Password Successfully! and you can not log out and log back in with the new password.
  7. Payment: when clicking on the Billing tab in the navigation where you'll be redirected to a card where you can enter your provided credentials for a subscribtion to the app. After entering valid credentials and clicking Buy Now below the form your screen will change to a Purchase Complete method.
  • If go to /(email for user created) while not logged in you or a guest will be able to view the trips this user created that are not archived. Also, the navigation menu will not let you access Archived, Billing, and Account tabs.

Back-end Dependencies:

Front-end Dependencies:


Sign up a new user

  • POST route /signup
Example json object of required data
	"firstName": "Test",
	"lastName": "Test",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"password": "test"   

Sign in as existing user

  • POST route /login
Example json object of required data
	"email": "[email protected]",

(This route will return a JWT token that you will need to create trips)

Checking if user has trips

  • GET route /:user
Example route (no data required other then user email in route)

/[email protected]

Create Trip with existing user

  • POST route /createTrips
Example json object of required data
	"tripName": "test",
	"startDate": "10-23-18",
	"endDate": "11-24-18",
	"email": "[email protected]"

(Under headers/Authorization you will need to pass back the JWT token from the /login route)

Change password

  • PUT route /trips/settings

Example json object of required data

	"email": "[email protected]",
	"oldPassword": "test"
	"password": "newTest"

(Requires auth JWT token from login to work)

Create Marker

  • POST route /createMarker

Example json object of required data

	"markersArr": [

(requires the id from the trip you created and inserted here as tripID and requires auth JWT token from login to work)

Get Markers

  • GET /getMarkers/:tripId (need to pass in your id from the trip you created that is connected to the markers)

Archive Trip

  • PUT /:user/archiveTrip

Example json object of required data

	"id": "60efdf74-64a9-4268-bae6-4999e4a8cde0",

(pass in the id from the trip you want archived)

Get Archived Trips

  • GET /:user/getArchivedTrips (need to pass in Auth token from login)

Creative Commons License
All images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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