$ sui client publish --gas-budget 5000000
$ sui client active-address
- The below script will create an event object and transfer to the address.
- When integrating with DApp the event-object-id should be stored for future uses.
- Replace with the actual address. The address can be obtain by the above script.
- Replace with the the published package Ex: 0xa2cfae1dfcf4cf2116c710580757b5db5863fd0985daaacdf074c7b51ae32a42
sui client ptb \
--assign to_address @<active-address> \
--move-call <package-id>::vote::new_event \
--assign event \
--transfer-objects "[event]" to_address \
--gas-budget 20000000
This script will look for the provided package and module and call the input function name with the respective arguments.
- Replace with the the published package Ex: 0xa2cfae1dfcf4cf2116c710580757b5db5863fd0985daaacdf074c7b51ae32a42
- Replace with the actual event id
sui client call \
--package <package-id> \
--module vote \
--function new_candidate \
--args <event-id>
This script will a create a vote for the provied event and candidate.
- Replace with the actual package-id
- Replace with the event object id
- Replace with the candidate object id
sui client call \
--package <package-id> \
--module vote \
--function new_ballot \
--args <event-id> <candidate-id> <voter-hash> --gas-budget 50000000
- Mainnet
cargo install --locked --git https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui.git --branch mainnet sui
- Testnet
cargo install --locked --git https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui.git --branch testnet sui
- Devnet
cargo install --locked --git https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui.git --branch devnet sui