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DFM file processor

Process param and output files of DFM

Web Client - Server API - Nodejs Processor

See for details on DFM parameters.



  • NodeJs 16.x
  • Git
    • Bash
    • Tools
  • (Notepad++)
  • (FileZilla)

Global NPM packages

  • npm
  • node-windows

Environment variables

The program need the following global enviromental variables to be set.

NODE_ENV                    //Set to 'production' or 'development'
DFM_APP_PORT                //Port the server will be listening
DFM_APP_PATH                //Path where the processor is installed
DFM_DB_PATH                 //Path where the sqlite3 data file is stored
DFM_INPUT_PORT_CSI          //Port where DFM for CSI is listening
DFM_INPUT_PORT_YAHOO        //Port where DFM for Yahoo is listening
DFM_INPUT_PATH_CSI          //Path for CSI requests
DFM_INPUT_PATH_YAHOO        //Path for Yahoo requests
DFM_PARAMSFILES_PATH        //Path where DFM application will listen for params files (deprecated v1)
DFM_LICENSEFILES_PATH       //Path where License application will listen for license files
DFM_PARAMSFILES_ARCHIVE_PATH//Path where params files will be archived
DFM_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PREFIX  //Prefix in front of the unique preview ID in the file
DFM_OUTPUT_FILENAME_SUFFIX  //Suffix for outputfiles default `_%d_%d` where first number is index of outputfile (1 based), and the second the total number of outputfiles
DFM_IMAGEFILES_OUTPUT_PATH  //Path where DFM application outputs the image files
ZIPFILES_OUTPUT_PATH        //Path where DFM application outputs the zip files
DFM_IMAGEFILES_SENT_PATH    //Path to backup sent files to
DFM_WEBSERVER_LOCAL_PATH    //Path of images-folder of webserver when webserver runs on the same machine. False otherwise
DFM_INTERNAL_API_HOST       //URL of Internal API on webserver
DFM_INTERNAL_API_KEY        //API key used for Internal API

Make sure above variables are set! Use git/npm to install the client.

git clone
cd dfm-processor
npm install

Run as Windows Service

Install node-windows globally.

Then activate the link in the application folder

npm link node-windows

Run service installer.

npm run install:service

Now you can run the Service "dfm-processor" from the Windows services window, or via cli.

NET START dfm-processor

Uninstall the service.

npm run uninstall:service

These scripts may ask for user-permissions multiple times.

Run with debug output

Make sure the service is not running, or the port will be in use.

set NODE_ENV=development
npm start


Logs will be stored in the ../logs folder (one up from the appliciations directory).


Update the processor via Git.

git fetch origin master
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
git clean -df
npm install

Restart the service after updating!

Filename formats

Legacy application

Processing requests have an unique ID that comes together with the paramater-set from the webserver. The ID has a static prefix (dfm_preview) and a random string of length 13 following that. The requested language is added after that. The parameters are stored in a file named <prefix><id>_[EN|NL].txt (eg dfm_preview5b785cb49b952.txt). The combination <prefix><id> is the preview_id.

Output files need to be named starting with the input filename, with a suffix indicating the number of outputfiles in the set. Suffix can be _%d_%d, where first number is index of outputfile (1 based), and the second the total number of outputfiles for the preview_id. Example: dfm_preview5b785cb49b952_EN_1_3.png, dfm_preview5b785cb49b952_EN_2_3.png, dfm_preview5b785cb49b952_EN_3_3.png as a set for preview_id dfm_preview5b785cb49b952.

Full application

Output files are zipfiles with all the response files. The name should be the preview ID that is given as id in the query string, eg (parameters)

Chart and data files can be nested in folders in the zip files.

To return an error from the calculation, only return the file error.txt in the zip response. The message in the file will be displayed to the user.


Stored in Sqlite3 database file at location specified in DFM_DB_PATH.


id: integer
user_id: integer
name: string
item_count: integer
items: JSON text


Processor for DFM pipeline






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