Run this go program with the flags and you will get command line output stats as well as a generated points.png
file generated in the root of this repo.
Note only the cli
folder is fit to use for cli usage, the pkg
folder is being used as a server to serve up the data/chart since eventually this may run somewhere and support a front end. If you want to run the server, head to the bottom of this page for instructions.
Not that your slush token does expire after some time, and using an expired token will results in the calls to fail.
Also note that using a slush token is optional, if you know your total amount of bitcoin mined just use the -bitcoinMined
flag instead.
slush pool token ( you can use this flag or the-bitcoinMined
flag if you dont use slush-startDate
mm/dd/yyyy format for start date of mining operation-kwhPrice
price paid per kilowatt-hour-watts
watts used by the miers-electricCosts
if you know your total amount spent on electric, can use it here instead of kwhPrice and watts and uptimePercent-uptimePercent
percent of time mining operation is online (expressed as an integer)-fixedCosts
total costs of miners, hardware, and other operational fixed costs-bitcoinMined
amount of bitcoin mined (whole bitcoin units not sats)-messariApiKey
api key from for historical price data-hideBitcoinOnGraph
Will hide bitcoin on y-axis of graph, good for opsec when sharing the image.true
to hide,false
to keep the figure displayed
Run this from within the cli
Example with token: go run main.go -token abc123 -startDate 01/01/2022 -kwhPrice .14 -watts 3300 -uptimePercent 98 -fixedCosts 7500 -hideBitcoinOnGraph=true
Example without token and with known total electric costs: go run main.go -bitcoinMined 0.420 -startDate 01/01/2022 -electricCosts 3400 -fixedCosts 7500
Output (these are made up figures for the example here):
Bicoin current price: $35947.77
Days since start: 420.93
Average coins per day: 0.00040153
Dollarinos earned: $4931.38
Total electric costs: $2231.03
Percent paid off: 68.88%
Bitcoin percentage increase needed to be breakeven: 49.53%
Breakeven price: $63751.70
Expected more days until breakeven: 128.57
Total mining days (past + future) to breakeven: 549.50
Expected breakeven date: 11/21/2022
Electric costs per day: $8.64
bitcoin mined: 0.155
AmericanHodl: 0.1500202135019427
Daily-DCA: 0.19892472898958916
Anti-Miner: 0.16783636213105427
Percentage comparison of strategies versus mining.
Daily-DCA: 21.56%
Anti-Miner: 2.65%
AmericanHodl: -9.08%
This can be run as a server from the root of this repo.
Bring up ther server with go run main.go
There are two endpoint: /data
and /chart
where /data
will return the text data you would see if you used the CLI, and /data
yields the chart the CLI also generates.
Ping localhost:8080/data
or localhost:8080/data
with a json body that may look something like:
"bitcoinMined": 0.12345,
"startDate": "06/30/2021",
"fixedCosts": 5000,
"hideBitcoinOnGraph": false,
"electricCosts": 3000.45
Here's a curl command for example:
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"bitcoinMined": 0.12345, "startDate":"06/30/2021", "fixedCosts":5000, "hideBitcoinOnGraph":false, "kwhPrice": 0.1133, "watts": 3400, "uptimePercent": 99 }' -X POST http://localhost:8080/chart