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BitBag SyliusElasticsearchPlugin

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We want to impact many unique eCommerce projects and build our brand recognition worldwide, so we are heavily involved in creating open-source solutions, especially for Sylius. We have already created over 35 extensions, which have been downloaded almost 2 million times.

You can find more information about our eCommerce services and technologies on our website: We have also created a unique service dedicated to creating plugins:

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About Us

BitBag is a software house that implements tailor-made eCommerce platforms with the entire infrastructure—from creating eCommerce platforms to implementing PIM and CMS systems to developing custom eCommerce applications, specialist B2B solutions, and migrations from other platforms.

We actively participate in Sylius's development. We have already completed over 150 projects, cooperating with clients worldwide, including smaller enterprises and large international companies. We have completed projects for such important brands as Mytheresa, Foodspring, Planeta Huerto (Carrefour Group), Albeco, Mollie, and ArtNight.

We have a 70-person team of experts: business analysts and consultants, eCommerce developers, project managers, and QA testers.

Our services:

  • B2B and B2C eCommerce platform implementations
  • Multi-vendor marketplace platform implementations
  • eCommerce migrations
  • Sylius plugin development
  • Sylius consulting
  • Project maintenance and long-term support
  • PIM and CMS implementations

Some numbers from BitBag regarding Sylius:

  • 70 experts on board
  • +150 projects delivered on top of Sylius,
  • 30 countries of BitBag’s customers,
  • 7 years in the Sylius ecosystem.
  • +35 plugins created for Sylius

Table of Content


Working Sylius Elasticsearch integration based on FOSElasticaBundle. The main goal of this plugin is to support filtering products by options, attributes, taxons, channels and name in the front product list page. It totally replaces the default Sylius sylius_shop_product_index route.

What is more, the plugin has a nice Sylius-oriented architecture that allows mapping resources to the Elastic document easier. It is flexible as well, so that you can customize the existing features for your specific business needs.

If you are curious about the details of this plugin, read this blog post and watch the video below.


For the full installation guide, please go here.


This plugin requires elasticsearch server running. You can install it by following the instructions on the official website. In plugin repository there is Docker Compose file that can be used to run Elasticsearch server.

Note: This Plugin supports ElasticSearch 7.0 and above. If you're looking for ElasticSearch Plugin for older versions check SyliusElasticSearchPlugin in version 1.x.

We work on stable, supported and up-to-date versions of packages. We recommend you to do the same.

Package Version
PHP >=8.1
sylius/sylius 1.12.x - 1.13.x
MySQL >= 5.7
NodeJS >= 18.x
ElasticSearch >= 7.x


Scope of the search

This plugin offers a site-wide search feature and taxon search feature. It is easily extendable to add more search scopes. For example in Marketplace suite you can create Vendor specific search scope.

Searching site-wide products

There is searchbar in the header of the shop.

You can easily modify it by overriding the @BitBagSyliusElasticsearchPlugin/Shop/Menu/_searchForm.html.twig template or disable it by setting:

          enabled: false

Searching taxon products

When you go now to the /{_locale}/products-list/{taxon-slug} page, you should see a totally new set of filters. You should see something like this:

You might also want to refer the horizontal menu to a new product list page. Follow below instructions to do so:

  1. If you haven't done it yet, create two files:
    • _horizontalMenu.html.twig in templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/Taxon directory
    • _breadcrumb.html.twig in templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/Product/Show directory
  2. Paste into those files content of respectively vendor/sylius/sylius/src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/Resources/views/Taxon/_horizontalMenu.html.twig and vendor/sylius/sylius/src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/Resources/views/Product/Show/_breadcrumb.html.twig files, replacing sylius_shop_product_index with bitbag_sylius_elasticsearch_plugin_shop_list_products in both of them.
  3. Clean your cache with bin/console cache:clear command.
  4. 🎉

If you're using vertical menu - follow steps above with _verticalMenu.html.twig file instead. It's in the same directory as the _horizontalMenu.html.twig file.

Be aware! Elasticsearch does not handle dashes well. This plugin depends on the code field in Sylius resources. Please use underscores instead of dashes in your code fields.

Excluding options and attributes in the filter menu

You might not want to show some specific options or attributes in the menu. You can set specific parameters for that:

    bitbag_es_excluded_facet_attributes: ['jeans_material']
    bitbag_es_excluded_facet_options: ['t_shirt_size']

By default, all options and attributes filters are shown.

It is also possible to disable options and attribute filters autodiscovery by setting the following parameters:

    bitbag_es_facets_auto_discover: false

Then you have to manually register your filters:

Available filters:

  • TaxonFacet which allows to filter your search results by taxons using the ElasticSearch Terms aggregation.
  • AttributeFacet which allows to filter your search results by product attributes values using the ElasticSearch Terms aggregation.
  • OptionFacet which is the same as AttributeFacet but for product options.
  • PriceFacet which allows to filter search results by price range the ElasticSearch Histogram aggregation.

Example of manual registration of filters:

      class: BitBag\SyliusElasticsearchPlugin\Facet\AttributeFacet
        - '@bitbag_sylius_elasticsearch_plugin.property_name_resolver.attribute'
        - '@=service("sylius.repository.product_attribute").findOneBy({"code": "t_shirt_brand"})'
        - '@sylius.context.locale'

      class: BitBag\SyliusElasticsearchPlugin\Facet\Registry
        -   method: addFacet
              - t_shirt_brand
              - '@bitbag_sylius_elasticsearch_plugin.facet.attribute.t_shirt_brand'
        - method: addFacet
            - price
            - '@bitbag_sylius_elasticsearch_plugin.facet.price'
        - method: addFacet
            - taxon
            - '@bitbag_sylius_elasticsearch_plugin.facet.taxon'


By default, current indexes listen on all Doctrine events. You can override this setting for each index by overriding index definition in your config.yml file:

                            insert: true
                            update: false
                            delete: true

Indexes with bitbag_shop_product, bitbag_attribute_taxons and bitbag_option_taxons keys are available so far.


Available services you can decorate and forms you can extend

$ bin/console debug:container | grep bitbag_sylius_elasticsearch_plugin

Parameters you can override in your parameters.yml(.dist) file

$ bin/console debug:container --parameters | grep bitbag


$ composer install
$ cd tests/Application
$ APP_ENV=test bin/console doctrine:database:create
$ APP_ENV=test bin/console doctrine:schema:create
// run elasticsearch
$ APP_ENV=test bin/console sylius:fixtures:load
$ APP_ENV=test bin/console fos:elastica:populate
$ APP_ENV=test symfony server:run -d
$ APP_ENV=test bin/console assets:install
$ open http://localhost:8080
$ vendor/bin/behat
$ vendor/bin/phpspec run


All main functionalities of the plugin are described here.

If you need some help with Sylius development, don't be hesitated to contact us directly. You can fill the form on this site or send us an e-mail at [email protected]!


We created a demo app with some useful use-cases of plugins! Visit to take a look at it.

If you need an overview of Sylius' capabilities, schedule a consultation with our expert.

Additional resources for developers

To learn more about our contribution workflow and more, we encourage you to use the following resources:


This plugin's source code is completely free and released under the terms of the MIT license.

Contact and Support

This open-source plugin was developed to help the Sylius community. If you have any additional questions, would like help with installing or configuring the plugin, or need any assistance with your Sylius project - let us know! Contact us or send us an e-mail to [email protected] with your question(s).


For online communication, we invite you to chat with us & other users on Sylius Slack.