To aid her in this effort, you are expected to provide a vignette which outlines how the package works. See a completed example here.
The easiest way to create one is the run:
usethis::use_vignette(name = "bioutils_quickstart", title = "BioUtils Quickstart")
This will create an RMarkdown document, vignettes/bioutils_quickstart.Rmd
. Edit this document to create your vignette.
Then, build your vignette like so:
This will create an HTML document in the following location: doc/bioutils_quickstart.html
. This is the HTML (user-friendly) vignette.
Finally, it will ensure that your vignette(s) can be successfully built from the linux command line (test this in R by running devtools::build_vignettes()
Rscript -e "if (is.null(devtools::build_vignettes())) quit(save = 'no', status = 1)"