This repository contains highly-efficient implementation of Operation Transformation algorithm, which was originally developed in Jupyter and later was used in Google Wave.
Current algorithm is tested using simulation of client-server interoperation in online document editing.
OT algorithm has many variations and implementations, here is mine. I believe that asymptotically this is the most optimal variation both in memory and CPU consumption. It has linear time on processing and on memory usage for each operation.
Maximum operations throughput for each client doesn't depend on the document size.
For 20 clients and server, all running on my laptop (AMD Ryzen 9 4900HS 3.00 GHz), it is about
832.140 ops/sec
on average. For 2000 clients and server, it is about 8.610 ops/sec
Note that these measurements are given for "simple" history engine (see below).
Server needs 24 byte for each symbol: 4 byte for id, 4 byte for value and 16 bytes for
references to the next and to the previous symbols. So, for document consisting of 10^7
numbers, server will consume ~240mb
of RAM.
Client needs same 24 bytes plus around 40 bytes for metadata. So, client memory consumption
will be around ~640mb
for 10^7-sized document.
Note that during simulation many additional data need to be stored for each client.
Additional structure ("magic_list.h" in code) is needed to generate random positions in document.
This structure will also take about 24 bytes for each symbol, so, during simulation it will also
require additional ~240mb
for each client.
There are two "history engines" implemented: simple history engine and jumping history engine. They have the following characteristics:
- simple engine allows to quickly add operations to history (O(1) time complexity), but it is slow on history retrieval (O(n) for each retrieval, where n is an amount of data missed by the client from his last sync with server)
- on the other hand, jumping history engine is slower on operations addition (O(nlogn) time), but it is much faster on retrieving operations from history: O(logn) time for retrieval.
Consider the following scenario: 19 clients making about 60 ops/sec into 10^5-sized document. Then one new client connects.
To connect, he need to download all changes which were made after him being online for the last time. All missed operations produced by other clients need to be combined into a new one and be sent to the new client.
With simple history engine, all missed operations will be combined one-by-one (O(n) complexity). With jumping history engine, only O(logn) combinations is needed.
Given the scenario described, if the new client reconnects after 5 seconds offline with
~6000 missed operations, with a simple history mechanism, the server will need about ~14 seconds
to reconnect this client. Whereas with a jumping history engine, the server will need only ~0.007 seconds
You can use cmake to run the simulation and tests. src/testing/client_server_one_threaded_tests.cpp is an entrypoint for simulation.
See CMakeLists.txt files for additional information.