This repos contains a docker image and config for an TLS api proxy to work in Google Container Engine.
The domain certificate must be concatenated with additional the CA certifices bundle (domain certificate must be first):
cat STAR_bigwednesday_io.crt >> cert_chain.crt
The nginx proxy expects the following certs to exist and be valid:
- /etc/nginx/ssl/starbigwednesdayio.crt
- /etc/nginx/ssl/starbigwednesdayio.key
- /etc/nginx/ssl/starorderableco.crt
- /etc/nginx/ssl/starorderableco.key
This is achieved using a kubernets secret named ssl-certificates"
which is mounted as a volume in rc.json.
Use the build-ssl-secret.js script to create the secret, passing in the path to a directory containing these files (e.g. /etc/nginx/ssl). This will output the secret as a JSON file which can be deployed using the kubernetes command line.
Create the secret:
node build-ssl-secret.js /ssl_certs_directory
Deploy the secret:
kubectl create -f ./ssl-certificates-secret.json
# Set required variables
export PROJECT_ID=first-footing-108508
export NAMESPACE=development
export TAG=v1
# Build the image and push to the container engine
docker build -t ${QUALIFIED_IMAGE_NAME} .
gcloud docker push ${QUALIFIED_IMAGE_NAME}
# Create the service
cat ./kubernetes/service.json | \
perl -pe 's/\{\{(\w+)\}\}/$ENV{$1}/eg' | \
kubectl create --namespace=${NAMESPACE} -f -
# Create the replication controller
cat ./kubernetes/rc.json | \
perl -pe 's/\{\{(\w+)\}\}/$ENV{$1}/eg' | \
kubectl create --namespace=${NAMESPACE} -f -
# Set required variables
export PROJECT_ID=first-footing-108508
export NAMESPACE=development
export TAG=v2
# Build the image and push to the container engine
docker build -t ${QUALIFIED_IMAGE_NAME} .
gcloud docker push ${QUALIFIED_IMAGE_NAME}
# Peform a rolling update on the replication controller
OLD_RC=$(~/google-cloud-sdk/bin/kubectl get rc -l "app=nginx" --namespace=${NAMESPACE} -o template --template="{{(index .items 0)}}")
export REPLICAS=$(~/google-cloud-sdk/bin/kubectl get rc ${OLD_RC} --namespace=${NAMESPACE} -o template --template="{{.spec.replicas}}")
cat ./kubernetes/rc.json | \
perl -pe 's/\{\{(\w+)\}\}/$ENV{$1}/eg' | \
kubectl rolling-update ${OLD_RC} --namespace=${NAMESPACE} -f -