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Yee Whye Teh edited this page May 17, 2016 · 27 revisions


Weekly Reading Group on Bayesian Machine Learning


Date Topic Presenters
26 January 2016 External talk - "Extremal point process of the branching Brownian motion" Julien Berestycki
2 February 2016 W&J chap 3 - 4.1 Leonard Hasenclever + Stefan Webb
9 February 2016 W&J rest of chap 4, (chap 5) Thibaut Lienart, Xiaoyu Lu
16 February 2016 Leave Pima Indians Alone Marco, Valerio
23 February 2016 Convergent EP for Dynamic Bayes Nets (Heskes & Zoeter), extended version
1 March 2016 visitor talk Kamalika Chaudhuri
8 March 2016 Stochastic EP, BB-alpha

SDEs and Stochastic Gradient Sampling

References to Literature SDE-SGMCMC-Literature>

Date Topic Presenters
19 April SDEs Tigran Nagapetyan Duncan, Computational Stochastic Processes p.59-61 and sections 4.5-4.8 without 4.7.1 (please read before Tuesday). Also consider chapter 3 of [Omiros notes] ( for very gentle introduction , Recommended Reading:
26 April SDEs and their discretisations Tigran Nagapetyan and Sebastian Vollmer
03 May Ergodicity of SDEs and their discretisation Sebastian Vollmer

Possible Papers to discuss:

Upcoming Topics:

Variational inference and expectation propagation (Yee Whye)

  • Wainwright & Jordan
  • Leave Pima Indians Alone (Ridgeway & Chopin)
  • EP for approximate inference (Heskes & Zoeter)
  • BB-alpha
  • Convergent EP (Lobato),
  • Fast convergent algorithms for EP (Seeger, Nickish)
  • EP for GP (which paper?)
  • Variational inference for Monte Carlo objectives

SDEs and SGMCMC (Sebastian)

  • Emily Fox Family of SDEs paper
  • Changyou Chen & Lawrence Carin series (Dec 2015)

Bayesian Nonparametrics and stochastic processes

  • [Gnedin & Pitman. Notes on the occupancy problem with infinitely many boxes: general asymptotics and power laws. Proba. surveys.]
  • Harry Crane on Ewens' Sampling Formula
  • Asmussen & Rosinsky, Cohen & Rosinsky on Gaussian tail approximations of Levy processes
  • Tree processes (DDT, PYDT, coalescent, Gibbs fragmentation, continuum random trees?)
  • Harry Crane on networks
  • Neil Sheppard on Levy processes
  • GP inducing points
  • GP kernel structure learning (Duvenaud et al arxiv:1302.4922v4)
  • Structure learning in matrix factorisation (Grosse et al)

Bayesian learning in general

  • Bayesian dark Knowledge (Korattikara et al)

External speakers

  • Andriy Mnih, Nicholas Heess, Charles Blundell
  • Richard Xu

Model checking, evaluation (BDA Gelman)

  • Posterior predictive checks
  • WAIC

Past Meetings (2014-2015)