Experimentation bed to get the team familiarized with RL
This repository contains an implementation of a simple gridworld environment to test if an RL algorithm is working correctly. The environment consists of a (n,n) grid. The objective is to reach the destination square, which can either be set to a fixed position or randomized. The observation is the (x,y) coordinates of the current agent position and of destination square (4,) vector. There are 4 possible actions in the action space: up, down, left, and right. The agent receives a -1 reward at each time step, regardless of the action. The agent always starts in the (0,0) square in the grid.
The gridworld class implements two functions: reset() and step()
__init__(grid_dim, randomize_goal, goal_position)
- Initializes the RL environment- Arguments:
- grid_dim - Dimension of the grid world, default: (10,10)
- randomize_goal - Whether or not to randomize the goal square when the environment is reset, default: False
- goal_position - If the goal is not randomized, the fixed position of the goal, default: (9,9)
- Arguments:
- Resets the RL environment to start a new simulation- Return
- observation - The initial observation for the RL environment
- Return
- Moves the RL enviroment forward 1 time step:- Arguments:
- action - The action selected by agent
- Return
- observation - The observation for the next time step
- reward - The reward received for the action
- done - Boolean describing whether the agent has completed the task
- info - Contains stats about the simulation
- Total number of steps
- Total reward
- Arguments: