- Edit server/app/appsettings.json or server/app/appsettings.Development.json to your liking
Ensure that .NET 8 is installed
- Navigate to server/
- Open server.sln if you are using Visual Studio
- Ensure that the app project is set as the startup project
- Build & Run
- Set the database project as the active project
- Run Add-Migration (if changes to the database schema were made)
- Run Update-Database to create / update the database
Ensure that node.JS v18.20.6 or higher is installed
- Navigate to client/
- npm install
- npm run dev (npm run build for prod)
- Ensure that the front-end points to the back-end url, open vite.config.js and verify the proxy setting
The Steam key auth logic requires a valid Steam API key, update the SteamApiKey appsetting to your api key.