] - Remove copy button from specimen list (Tim Bernhard)
] - Pseudo-disable paste previous action (Tim Bernhard)
] - Slighly improve stability of file chooser (Tim Bernhard)
] - Add rudimentary custom shortcut functionality (Tim Bernhard)
] - Add more mnemonics as shortcuts in specimen edit view (Tim Bernhard)
] - Get the next/prev arrows working as intended (Tim Bernhard)
] - Partially auto-complete iso date from dateNOS where applicable (risky) (Tim Bernhard)
] - Explicitly load english location names from OpenStreetMap (Tim Bernhard)
] - Update dependencies (Tim Bernhard)
] - Refactor Georeference dialog to Miglayout including a little map (Tim Bernhard)
] - Fix typo in README (Tim Bernhard)
] - Fix (hopefully) GitHub Action to extract changelog automatically (Tim Bernhard)
] - Increment version number for pre-realeases (Tim Bernhard)
] - Update changelog to publish Version v1.11.0 (Tim Bernhard)
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