This here repository contains code that was used to create a fresh version of all_basiclevel.csv
and related files. This functionality has now moved to the blabpy
Python package.
Please refer to GitBook for the up-to-date instructions.
- gather all basiclevel csv files in one folder using collect/ This script takes three arguments: the audio path file path_files/audiobl_directories.txt, the video path file path_files/videobl_directories.txt, and the output directory: Seedlings/Code/blab/all_bl/MM-DD-YY (with MM-DD-YY the date at which the script is run)
- open generate_all_bl.R in RStudio (a version of it is in Seedlings/Code/blab/generate_all_bl)
- change the date line 14 to reflect the date of the version you want to create
- Make a new directory in blab called "output_abl_MM-DD-YY" and within that directory, make a subdirectory called "basiclevel_bymonth"
- Run the R script
This will generate the separate by-month audio/video basic_level csv's, and all_audio/all_video.csv's in addition to all_basiclevel.csv
Once you have the "all_basiclevel.csv" and "all_basiclevel.feather" generated in your output folder, you can copy them into all_basiclevel (replacing the old version). You also need to take the following two steps:
in all_basiclevel (needs to be cloned to your HOME directory, if you don't already have it):
- git pull
- copy in the same "all_basiclevel.csv" and "all_basiclevel.feather" from above, replacing the old version.
- git add .
- git commit -m "MM-DD-YY"
- This date has to be the name of the all_bl folder on which this new version was created-timestamp corresponding to date of individual sparse_code.csv collection.
- git push
- git submodule update --remote all_basiclevel