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90% Feature Complete

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@Poslovitch Poslovitch released this 08 Aug 12:15
· 3319 commits to master since this release

90% feature complete and not bug-free pre-release version.

WARNING: BentoBox and its addons are 1.13 only.
WARNING: This update contains API breaking changes, make sure to update your addons as well.

NOTE: Some bugs are known to be caused by Minecraft. They will likely be resolved with Minecraft's 1.13.1.
NOTE: We know some early adopters are already using BentoBox on their "production" server. Make sure to take backups, to update carefully and to keep your Spigot updated as much as possible (there is nearly 5 new builds every day)!

Changelog :

  • API
  1. BREAKING: Ready-to-use island and admin commands have been moved to the world.bentobox.bentobox.api.commands package. Feel free to use them in your Gamemode addons !
  2. Removed Constants class. It was useless.
  3. Added generic commands cooldown handling in CompositeCommand : #setCooldown(UUID, UUID, int) and #checkCooldown(User, UUID).
  4. BREAKING: Renamed following classes :

BSBDatabase -> Database
BSBDbSetup -> DatabaseSetup
BSBConfig -> Config
DatabaseConnecter -> DatabaseConnector
FlatFileDatabaseConnecter -> FlatFileDatabaseConnector
MongoDBDatabaseConnecter -> MongoDBDatabaseConnector
MySQLDatabaseConnecter -> MySQLDatabaseConnector

  1. Updated some javadoc and made it display everything.
  2. Removed IslandSpawnCommand. It was an empty class.
  3. Updated ItemParser to use the new BANNER material names.
  4. Added authors and obsolete variables to BentoBoxLocale. They are currently not used.
  5. Created a new "format" for locales meta information :
  - tastybento
  - Poslovitch
  version: "FC-0.81"
  1. Added #getNewOwner() and #getOldOwner() in TeamMakeLeaderEvent.
  2. Added AdminDeleteCommand. Note: this is a WIP and it hasn't been tested properly.
  • New features
  1. Added /bentobox command. It has currently no technical use, it has mainly been implemented as a placeholder for commands to come.
  2. Bypass protection permissions are now differenciated for each flag (e.g: BREAK_BLOCKS) and where they apply (everywhere or island). As an example, bskyblock.mod.bypass.BREAK_BLOCKS.island will only allow the player to break blocks inside an island's protection range. bskyblock.mod.bypass.PLACE_BLOCKS.everywhere will allow it to place blocks everywhere (inside and outside an island's protection range). Note: this is a long-awaited feature and we would be really pleased to get some feedback about it!
  • Tweaks
  1. Brought back automated #setDescription(String) and #setParameters(String) for CompositeCommand. It has been previously removed due to an infinite loop.
  2. Updated some of the commands to use the confirmation API.
  3. Updated some of the commands to use the cooldown API. Note: some commands are known to not be using it at the moment.
  4. Removed following unused settings from Settings : recoverSuperFlat and muteDeathMessages.
  5. Made fakePlayers an experimental config setting. Note: this has currently no effect over BentoBox, however the experimental value will later be used to explicitely tell that this setting might be dangerous to use.
  6. Updated locales to use the new banner format.
  7. Updated locales to use the new "meta" format.
  • Bug fixes
  1. Fixed EndermanListener to use BlockData instead of MaterialData.
  2. Added missing in en-US locale.
  3. Fixed schems not being pasted correctly. They now use BlockData as well.
  4. Fixed commands tab-completer not working on 1.13.
  5. Fixed spawners being incorrectly handled in schems.
  6. Fixed /island team kick <player> not kicking the player (even though it was said he was).
  7. Fixed tons of code smells.