Smart Waiter customer side is an app which allows you to locate a restaurant, browse the menu, order and pay for a meal all from one single page application, ideal for those short on time who don't want to be delayed by busy restaurant staff, or payment disputes. Just choose, click, eat and go.
- Clone the repo
cd smartwaiter-rms
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Config file
Replace the websocketURI and serverURI in the config.js file. The server set up can be found here.
- Start development server
npm start
- Vue.js - Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces.
- Vuex - Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications.
- Apollo - Apollo and GraphQL for Vue.js
Improvements are welcome!
Fork the repo and make your changes. Push to your fork and submit a pull request.
Edgar Cheverier - Github - LinkedIn
Marlon Becker - Github - LinkedIn
Henri Viiralt - Github - LinkedIn
Benjamin Kemp - Github - LinkedIn
Lars Berger - Github - LinkedIn
This project is licensed under the MIT License.