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BenchCore MultiChain V1

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                                  R E V E L A T I O N  2 0 : 1
And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain.

Home to the BenchCore MultiChain and currently 6 cryptocurrencies - BEX, MUZ, DAN, SHARE, SHOP, VID and more to come. BenchCore gives developers and companies the easiest pathway to launching their own blockchain, explorer, wallets and more, without much development experience.

Table of Contents


BenchCore was built from Ark's original blockchain ark-node, which derived from Lisk and was originally known as Crypti. It has come a long way since then and is one of the most battle tested blockchain libraries on the face of the planet.

We have made the following upgrades to ark-node:

Fork Upgrades

This is a fork from Ark with the following features:

  • Removed SmartBridges and added SideChains
  • Updated Epoch Time and some other constants
  • Updated Address Prefix For Root Chain to A or 25
  • Fixed Many Issues With ArkCommander and rebuilt the installer UI.
  • Create a multichain-like network ecosystem and all networks can be started via the package.JSON
  • Cleaned up createGenesisBlock and renamed createBenchGenesis
  • Redesigned Paper Wallet UI
  • Redesigned Desktop Wallet UI and added new multichain network features
  • Redesigned Explorer UI and added BitShares DEX market pricing feature

### Planned features:

  • UI for SideChain Creation
  • Automatic codebase duplication
  • Make the codebase universal, by removing token names and blockchain names
  • Add Potion #9 (More on this in the future)

### Performance

  • Testnet produces 5tx/s
  • Devnet produces 10tx/s


To easily install BenchCore, just copy and paste the following lines into your terminal.


Install With Vagrant

Vagrant is a virtual development environment manager backed by a provider like VirtualBox.

To start the Vagrant environment:

vagrant up

All dependency installation and configuration for the dev environment is in the VagrantFile. After installation, ark-node will automatically start and log all output to the console.

To log into the Vagrant environment:

vagrant ssh

To destroy and revert to the original state:

vagrant destroy
vagrant up

There will be a drive shared with the host machine inside the VM, mounted at /vagrant.

Manual Installation

Install essentials:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y curl build-essential python git

Install PostgreSQL (min version: 9.5.2)

sudo apt-get install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev
sudo -u postgres createuser --createdb --password $USER

Install Node.js (tested with version 6.9.2, but any recent LTS release should do):

curl -o- 2>/dev/null | bash >>install.log && export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" && [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" && nvm install 6.9.5 >>install.log && nvm use 6.9.5 >>install.log && nvm alias default 6.9.5 >>install.log

Install grunt-cli (globally):

sudo npm install grunt-cli -g

Clone this repository

git clone /opt/benchcore
cd /opt/benchcore

Install node modules:

npm install libpq secp256k1
npm install

Launch Networks

Launch BenchCore

To launch BenchCore's Livenet

createdb bench_live
npm run start:bex

To launch BenchCore's Livenet CLI

npm run start:bexcli

Launch BenchCore Test Network

To launch BenchCore's test network

createdb bench_test
npm run start:bextest

Launch ARK

To launch Ark's Mainnet

createdb ark_mainnet
npm run start:ark

Launch MUZ Network

To launch MUZ Network (dMusic) Livenet

createdb muznet_live
npm run start:muz

To launch MUZ Network's CLI

npm run start:muzcli

Launch MUZ Test Network

To launch MUZ Network (dMusic) test network

createdb muznet_test
npm run start:muztest

Launch SHARE Network

To launch SHARE Network (dShare) Livenet

createdb sharenet_live
npm run start:share

To launch SHARE Network's CLI

npm run start:sharecli

Launch SHARE Test Network

To launch SHARE Network (SHARE) test network

createdb sharenet_test
npm run start:sharetest

Launch DAN Network

To launch DAN Network (dAN) Livenet

createdb dannet_live
npm run start:dan

To launch DAN Network's CLI

npm run start:dancli

Launch DAN Test Network

To launch SHARE Network (dAN) test network

createdb dannet_test
npm run start:dantest

Launch SHOP Network

To launch SHOP Network (SHOP) Livenet

createdb shopnet_live
npm run start:shop

To launch SHOP Network's CLI

npm run start:shopcli

Launch SHOP Test Network

To launch SHOP Network (SHOP) test network

createdb shopnet_test
npm run start:shoptest

Launch VID Network

To launch VID Network (dVid) Livenet

createdb vidnet_live
npm run start:vid

To launch VID Network's CLI

npm run start:vidcli

Launch VID Test Network

To launch VID Network (dVid) test network

createdb vidnet_test
npm run start:vidtest

NOTE: The port, address, genesis block and config-path can be overridden by providing the relevant command switch:

node app.js -p [port] -a [address] -c [config-path] -g [genesisBlock-path]

This allow you to run several different networks, or your own private chain

Create A SideChain

Generate a genesisBlock.json + a default config.json containing all passphrases of genesis delegates

node tasks/createBenchGenesis.js

Be sure to configure this file for your needs

  • a genesisBlock.json containing the genesis block
  • a config.json containing configuration to start relay nodes
  • an autoforging config.json containing configuration to start all delegates on a single node (for testing purpose)
  • a bunch of config files to distribute to different configured delegate nodes starting the network.
  • a delegatesPassphrases.json containing details about the genesis delegates
  • a genesisPassphrase.json containing the details of delegates that will launch your network

Obviously you can hack away tasks/createGenesisBlock.js for your own custom use.

You can the start with your own chain on a single node (all delegates will forge on your single node) using:

createdb networkname_type
npm run start:yourchain

Make sure to add this to the package.json file, as we have added other networks, so you can use the above commands

Then you can distribute the config.json (without the delegates secrets inside, and with custom peers settings) to peers to let them join your SideChain.



Why The Internet Must Have A Decentralized Alternative

Today, the internet is more censored than ever and it's only getting worse. Our mission with the dWeb Protocol was to create a truly powerful P2P protocol, around benOS, dBrowser and many of benOS' underlying libraries to bring the most powerful P2P products to life. In the last few months, by rebuilding P2P technologies that have existed since the early 2000s, we have built a powerful suite of decentralized libraries for benOS and the Bench Network, that will only improve over time. But we also brought new ideas to life, like:

and more! These were the protocols and libraries that we needed to create a completely decentralized operating system, where everything was distributed, protected and people were once again in control of their data. benOS is made up of over 1100+ different libraries that we are releasing on a day-by-day basis as we move them to a stable/production state. While financial support is great for this open source project, we need developers who want to be some of the first to build the dApps and dSites of the future. We have to take back what our forefathers originally designed for freedom, by making our code the law, instead of releasing weak and highly centralized applications where law cannot be applied because the code lacks the foundation to implement a legal framework for itself. Join us for a truly historic journey on the BenchLabs Telegram. See you there.

Bench On The dWeb

dweb:// // dNames Short Link dweb://3EDAE09848B77401445B7739CAFCE442DDE1752AED63025A1F94E6A86D7E9F04 // dWeb Key Link

In order to make the links above clickable or to view these links period, you will need dBrowser (Available for Mac OSX, Linux, Windows and soon to be available on iOS/Android)

"The Code Is The Law" - Stan Larimer - Godfather of BitShares.



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