This is a library for interacting with GitHub in Dart. It works on all platforms including web, server, and Flutter. Please submit issues and pull requests, help out, or just give encouragement.
Notice: We are looking for contributors. If you're interested or have questions, join the chat at
- Works on the Server, Browser, and Flutter
- Really Fast
- Plugable API
- Supports Authentication
- Builtin OAuth2 Flow
- Hook Server Helper
First, add the following to your pubspec.yaml:
github: ^5.0.0
Then import the library
For the browser use:
import 'package:github/browser.dart';
and for the server or Flutter use:
import 'package:github/server.dart';
and then use it:
import 'package:github/browser.dart';
void main() async {
/* Create a GitHub Client */
var github = createGitHubClient();
/* or Create a GitHub Client using an auth token */
var github = createGitHubClient(auth: new Authentication.withToken("YourTokenHere"));
Repository repo = await github.repositories.getRepository(new RepositorySlug("user_or_org", "repo_name"));
/* Do Something with repo */
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