A search application for AAiT students
AAiT stack overflow Students often suffer to get information in university. Or they spend a lot of time trying to look for specific information on the internet or from friends. What if they can find all the information at one place? Trying to solve this local and much faced problem of ours lead to the birth of our mobile app, AAiT Stack overflow. Our mobile application is an app that allows AAiT students to share information and their knowledge through the app. We took our name from the international stack overflow, which is the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their programming knowledge, and build their careers. Our app is aimed to achieve the same goals, but for AAiT students.Authorized students will be the ones posting those on the app. And any student can ask and answer a question. To sign up students will use their email address and user name. The admins will make sure that it is a valid student id and email. Then they will be able to log in the app. After all it will be open for all and students can access and download them. They can also ask and answer questions.
Features • Student sign up page • Student login page • Log out functionality • Admin authorization • Asking a question (business feature 1) • Answering a question (business feature 2)
Group members 1.Bereket Demissie UGR/0587/12 2.Bierhan Anteneh UGR/4886/12 3.Ekram Kedir UGR/9671/12 4.Tsedalemariam Asrate UGR/3446/12 5.Tseganesh Yifru UGR/3970/12