Repository for Comsol Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical simulation of multi-DFMs (Discrete Fracture Models) reservoirs and Multi-Well production Scenarios
BatL_20190503_Stage_SF_Batch.mph is the model, to be loaded with using: COMSOL Multiphysics 5.4
All other (.dxf) files correspond to the Discrete Fracture Networks, 5 differents names, with for each 7 differents fracture sets (fset1 to fste7);
- Geometry 1 == LIMESTONE
- Geometry 2 == MARBLE
- Geometry 3 == SKARN
- Geometry 5 == lnstn_crop (a small patch taken from LIMSTONE to run trials)
- Geometry 6 == set1, set2 (a hand made fracture model, with 2 fracture sets, again for trials)
FOr any quetsion, feel free to contact me: [email protected]