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Sockeye: Forall quantifier
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Signed-off-by: Lukas Humbel <[email protected]>
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lluki committed Feb 27, 2018
1 parent f5dee55 commit 298bfa8
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Showing 3 changed files with 261 additions and 17 deletions.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions socs/soc2_test6.soc
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module DRAM {
input memory (0 bits 40) GDDR0
output memory (0 bits 40) RAMOUT
GDDR0 accepts [(0x000000000 to 0x0fedfffff)]

memory (0 bits 40) DRAMMAP
DRAMMAP maps [
(0x000000000 to 0x0fedfffff) to RAMOUT at (0x000000000 to 0x0fedfffff)

module SOCKET {
instance RAM[1 to 2; 10 to 11] of DRAM

memory (0 bits 40) LOCAL
LOCAL accepts [(0x000000000 to 0x0fedfffff)]

memory (0 bits 40) LOCAL_SRC

forall x in (1 to 2, 10 to 11) {
forall y in (10 to 11) {
RAM[x; y] instantiates DRAM
RAM[x; y] binds [

LOCAL_SRC maps [
(0x1000 to 0x2000) to RAM[x; y].GDDR0 at (0x1000 to 0x2000)

197 changes: 182 additions & 15 deletions tools/sockeye/SockeyeBackendProlog.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,11 +19,20 @@ module SockeyeBackendProlog
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Text.Printf
import Control.Exception (throw, Exception)

import qualified SockeyeSymbolTable as ST
import qualified SockeyeAST as SAST
import qualified SockeyeParserAST as AST

data PrologBackendException
= MultiDimensionalQuantifierException
| NYIException String

instance Exception PrologBackendException

{- The structure of the code generator should be very similar to the old Prolog Backend -}
compile :: ST.Sockeye -> SAST.Sockeye -> String
compile symTable ast = "Prolog backend not yet implemented"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,11 +61,12 @@ gen_nat_param_list pp = map AST.paramName pp
instance PrologGenerator AST.Module where
generate m = let
name = "add_" ++ AST.moduleName m
mi = gen_module_info m
p1 = gen_nat_param_list (AST.parameters m)
bodyChecks = ["is_list(Id)"]
nodeDecls = map gen_node_decls (AST.nodeDecls m)
instDecls = map gen_inst_decls (AST.instDecls m)
bodyDefs = concat $ map gen_body_defs (AST.definitions m)
bodyDefs = concat $ map (gen_body_defs mi) (AST.definitions m)

body = intercalate ",\n " $ bodyChecks ++ nodeDecls ++ instDecls ++ bodyDefs
in name ++ stringify (["Id"] ++ p1) ++ " :- \n " ++ body ++ ".\n\n"
Expand All @@ -72,6 +82,9 @@ instance PrologGenerator AST.Module where
local_nodeid_name :: String -> String
local_nodeid_name x = "ID_" ++ x

local_inst_name :: String -> String
local_inst_name x = "ID_" ++ x

-- Prefix tat as well?
local_param_name :: String -> String
local_param_name x = x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,21 +152,141 @@ map_spec_flatten def = case def of
| map_spec <- maps, map_target <- (AST.mapTargets map_spec)]
_ -> []

gen_body_defs :: AST.Definition -> [String]
gen_body_defs x = case x of
data IterationState = IterationState
-- Map a sockeye name to a prolog variable
vars :: Map.Map String String

data ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo
params :: [String]

gen_module_info :: AST.Module -> ModuleInfo
gen_module_info x =
ModuleInfo { params = ["Id"] ++ params ++ nodes ++ insts}
insts = [local_inst_name $ AST.instName d | d <- AST.instDecls x]
params = (gen_nat_param_list $ AST.parameters x)
nodes = [local_nodeid_name $ AST.nodeName d | d <- AST.nodeDecls x]

add_param :: ModuleInfo -> String -> ModuleInfo
add_param mi s = ModuleInfo { params = (params mi) ++ [s]}

param_str :: ModuleInfo -> String
param_str mi = case params mi of
[] -> ""
li -> "," ++ intercalate "," [predicate "param" [p] | p <- li]

generate_conj :: ModuleInfo -> [AST.Definition] -> String
generate_conj mi li =
intercalate ",\n" $ concat [gen_body_defs mi inn | inn <- li]

-- generate forall with a explicit variable name
forall_qual :: ModuleInfo -> String -> AST.NaturalSet -> [AST.Definition] -> String
forall_qual mi varName ns body =
"(" ++
predicate "block_values" [generate ns, it_list] ++ "," ++
"(" ++
predicate "foreach" [it_var, it_list]
++ param_str mi
++ " do \n" ++
body_str ++ "\n))"
id_var = "ID_" ++ varName
it_var = "IDT_" ++ varName
it_list = "IDL_" ++ varName
body_str = generate_conj (add_param mi it_var) body

forall_uqr :: ModuleInfo -> AST.UnqualifiedRef -> String -> String
forall_uqr mi ref body_str = case (AST.refIndex ref) of
Nothing -> printf "(%s = %s, %s)" it_var id_var body_str
Just ai -> "(" ++
predicate "block_values" [generate ai, it_list] ++ "," ++
"(" ++
predicate "foreach" [it_var, it_list]
++ param_str mi
++ " do " ++
itid_var ++ " = " ++ list_prepend it_var id_var ++ "," ++
body_str ++ "))"
id_var = "ID_" ++ (AST.refName ref)
it_var = "IDT_" ++ (AST.refName ref)
itid_var = "IDI_" ++ (AST.refName ref)
it_list = "IDL_" ++ (AST.refName ref)

gen_bind_defs :: String -> [AST.PortBinding] -> String
gen_bind_defs uql_var binds =
dest bind = generate $ AST.boundNode bind
src bind = list_prepend (doublequotes $ AST.refName $ AST.boundPort $ bind) uql_var
pb bind = assert $ predicate "node_overlay" [src bind, dest bind]
preds = [pb bind | bind <- binds]
in intercalate "," preds

gen_index :: AST.UnqualifiedRef -> String
gen_index uqr =
case (AST.refIndex uqr) of
Nothing -> local_nodeid_name $ AST.refName uqr
Just ai -> list_prepend (gen_ai ai) (local_nodeid_name $ AST.refName uqr)
gen_ai (AST.ArrayIndex _ ws) = list [gen_wildcard_simple w | w <- ws]
gen_wildcard_simple (AST.ExplicitSet _ ns) = gen_natural_set ns
gen_natural_set (ST.NaturalSet _ nrs) = gen_natural_ranges nrs
gen_natural_ranges [nr] = gen_ns_simple nr
gen_ns_simple (ST.SingletonRange _ base) = gen_exp_simple base
gen_exp_simple (AST.Variable _ vn) = "IDT_" ++ vn
gen_exp_simple (AST.Literal _ int) = show int

gen_body_defs :: ModuleInfo -> AST.Definition -> [String]
gen_body_defs mi x = case x of
(AST.Accepts _ n accepts) -> [(assert $ predicate "node_accept" [generate n, generate acc])
| acc <- accepts]
(AST.Maps _ _ _) -> [(assert $ predicate "node_translate"
[generate $ srcNode om, generate $ srcAddr om, generate $ targetNode om, generate $ targetAddr om])
| om <- map_spec_flatten x]
(AST.Overlays _ src dest) -> [assert $ predicate "node_overlay" [generate src, generate dest]]
(AST.Instantiates _ i im args) -> [predicate ("add_" ++ im) [generate i]]
(AST.Binds _ inst binds) -> [assert $ predicate "node_overlay" [paramId,
(generate $ AST.boundNode bind)] | bind <- binds, let paramId = list_prepend (doublequotes $ AST.refName $ AST.boundPort bind) (generate inst)]
_ -> []
-- (AST.Instantiates _ i im args) -> [forall_uqr mi i (predicate ("add_" ++ im) ["IDT_" ++ (AST.refName i)])]
(AST.Instantiates _ i im args) -> [ predicate ("add_" ++ im) [gen_index i] ]
-- (AST.Binds _ i binds) -> [forall_uqr mi i $ gen_bind_defs ("IDT_" ++ (AST.refName i)) binds]
(AST.Binds _ i binds) -> [gen_bind_defs (gen_index i) binds]
(AST.Forall _ varName varRange body) -> [forall_qual mi varName varRange body]
(AST.Converts _ _ _ ) -> throw $ NYIException "Converts"

instance PrologGenerator AST.UnqualifiedRef where
generate uq = local_nodeid_name $ AST.refName uq
generate uq = case (AST.refIndex uq) of
Nothing -> local_nodeid_name $ AST.refName uq
Just ai -> list_prepend (generate ai) (local_nodeid_name $ AST.refName uq)

-- Different modes of generating the wildcard set, either as block spec, or
-- to be used in array index generate_index
generate_block :: AST.WildcardSet -> String
generate_block a = case a of
AST.ExplicitSet _ ns -> generate ns
AST.Wildcard _ -> "_"
generate_index_ns :: AST.NaturalSet -> String
generate_index_ns ns = ""
generate_index :: AST.WildcardSet -> String
generate_index a = case a of
AST.ExplicitSet _ ns -> generate ns
AST.Wildcard _ -> "NYI!?"

instance PrologGenerator AST.WildcardSet where
generate a = case a of
AST.ExplicitSet _ ns -> generate ns
AST.Wildcard _ -> "NYI!?"

instance PrologGenerator AST.ArrayIndex where
generate (AST.ArrayIndex _ wcs) = brackets $ intercalate "," [generate x | x <- wcs]

instance PrologGenerator AST.MapSpec where
generate ms = struct "map" [("src_block", generate (AST.mapAddr ms)),
Expand All @@ -165,8 +298,8 @@ instance PrologGenerator AST.MapTarget where

instance PrologGenerator AST.NodeReference where
generate nr = case nr of
AST.InternalNodeRef _ nn -> local_nodeid_name $ AST.refName nn
AST.InputPortRef _ inst node -> list_prepend (doublequotes $ AST.refName node) (local_nodeid_name $ AST.refName inst)
AST.InternalNodeRef _ nn -> gen_index nn
AST.InputPortRef _ inst node -> list_prepend (doublequotes $ AST.refName node) (gen_index inst)

instance PrologGenerator AST.AddressBlock where
-- TODO: add properties
Expand All @@ -176,14 +309,11 @@ instance PrologGenerator AST.Address where
generate a = case a of
AST.Address _ ws -> tuple $ map generate ws

instance PrologGenerator AST.WildcardSet where
generate a = case a of
AST.ExplicitSet _ ns -> generate ns
AST.Wildcard _ -> "_"

instance PrologGenerator AST.NaturalSet where
generate a = case a of
AST.NaturalSet _ nrs -> intercalate "::" $ map generate nrs {- horribly wrong -}
AST.NaturalSet _ nrs -> list $ map generate nrs

instance PrologGenerator AST.NaturalRange where
generate nr = case nr of
Expand All @@ -197,6 +327,7 @@ instance PrologGenerator AST.NaturalRange where
instance PrologGenerator AST.NaturalExpr where
generate nr = case nr of
SAST.Constant _ v -> local_const_name v
SAST.Variable _ v -> "IDT_" ++ v
SAST.Parameter _ v -> local_param_name v
SAST.Literal _ n -> show n
SAST.Addition _ a b -> "(" ++ generate a ++ ")+(" ++ generate b ++ ")"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,5 +381,41 @@ quotes = enclose "'" "'"
doublequotes :: String -> String
doublequotes = enclose "\"" "\""

nat_range_from :: AST.NaturalRange -> String
nat_range_from nr = case nr of
AST.SingletonRange _ b -> generate b
AST.LimitRange _ b _ -> generate b
AST.BitsRange _ _ _ -> "BitsRange NOT IMPLEMENTED"

nat_range_to :: AST.NaturalRange -> String
nat_range_to nr = case nr of
AST.SingletonRange _ b -> generate b
AST.LimitRange _ _ l -> generate l
AST.BitsRange _ _ _ -> "BitsRange NOT IMPLEMENTED"

-- Params are variables passed into the for body
for_body_inner :: [String] -> String -> String -> (Int, AST.NaturalRange) -> String
for_body_inner params itvar body itrange =
itvar_local = itvar ++ (show $ fst itrange)
from = nat_range_from $ (snd itrange)
to = nat_range_to $ (snd itrange)
for = printf "for(%s,%s,%s)" itvar_local from to :: String
paramf x = printf "param(%s)" x :: String
header = intercalate "," ([for] ++ map paramf params)
in printf "(%s \ndo\n %s \n)" header body

enumerate = zip [0..]

for_body :: [String] -> String -> AST.NaturalSet -> String -> String
for_body params itvar (AST.NaturalSet _ ranges) body =
foldl fbi body (enumerate ranges)
fbi = for_body_inner params itvar

assert :: String -> String
assert x = "assert" ++ parens x
48 changes: 46 additions & 2 deletions usr/skb/programs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,6 @@

:- module(decoding_net2).
:- export node_accept/2.
:- export node_translate/4.

%% node_accept(InNodeId, InAddr :: block).
Expand All @@ -23,6 +21,52 @@
%% node_overlay(InNodeId, OutNodeId).
:- dynamic node_overlay/2.

:- export node_accept/2.
:- export node_translate/4.
:- export struct(block(base,limit,props)).

:- lib(ic).

block_match(A, block{base: B, limit: L}) :-
B #=< A,
A #=< L.

blocks_match_any(A, [B | Bs]) :-
block_match(A, B) ; blocks_match_any(A, Bs).

blocks_match_any_ic(A, B) :-

:- export block_values/2.
% Union of blocks. [block{base:0,limit:5},block{base:33,limit:35}] -> 0,1,..,5,33,..,35
block_values(Blocks, Values) :-
findall(X, blocks_match_any_ic(X, Blocks), Values).

blocks_match([], []).
blocks_match([A|As], [B|Bs]) :-
blocks_match(As, Bs).

% For a ic constrained variable
blocks_match_ic(X,Bs) :-
blocks_match(X, Bs),

:- export block_crossp/2.
% Cross product of blocks
block_crossp(Blocks, Values) :-
findall(X, blocks_match_ic(X, Blocks), Values).

%test :-
% addr_match( (0,0), (block{base:0, limit:0})).

% Ideas for the address thingy:
% findall(X, addr_match(X, Constraints), XLi),
% (forall(X,XLi) do .... )

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