A Puppet module which downloads artifacts from an Artifactory repository.
It supports:
- artifact identification using GAV, classifier, and packaging
- repository selection
- timestamped SNAPSHOTs (not on Windows)
It relies on the Artifactory REST service, bash, and curl.
This module is based on the Puppet Nexus module authored by Clement Escoffier.
Retrieve it from Puppet Forge.
puppet module install jcraigbrown-artifactory
Clone this repository and add it to your modulepath
Initialize the Puppet Artifactory module and specify the URL of your artifactory system. Note that previous versions of this module automatically appended '/artifactory' to this URL. This is no longer the case, so make sure the specified URL includes '/artifactory', if required.
class {'artifactory':
url => 'http://artifactory.domain.com',
Examples of downloading artifacts:
artifactory::artifact {'commons-io':
gav => 'commons-io:commons-io:2.1',
repository => 'public',
output => '/tmp/commons-io-2.1.jar',
artifactory::artifact {'/tmp/ipojo.jar':
gav => 'org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.ipojo:1.8.0',
artifactory::artifact {'/tmp/parser-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar':
gav => 'com.company.project:parser:0.3.0-SNAPSHOT',
timestamped => true,
artifactory::artifact {'chameleon web distribution':
gav => 'org.ow2.chameleon:distribution-web:0.3.0-SNAPSHOT',
classifier => 'distribution',
packaging => 'zip',
repository => 'public-snapshots',
output => '/tmp/distribution-web-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT.zip'
This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.