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QuickStart CLI

This CLI allows you to order phone numbers and create the necessary Bandwidth applications to quickly setup your development environment and callback settings with Bandwidth. In addition, this quick-setup automates the necessary steps required to order your first number with Bandwidth.

These quick-setup configurations are stored in the CLI and automatically used in any orders that are placed through the CLI.

Expected workflow for new account users: setup, then quickly set up your account.

The CLI also allows existing account users that have previously set up their development environment to automate the setup of additional applications and place new number orders.

Table of Contents

Reference Materials


You must have your Bandwidth Dashboard API credentials. These credentials are used to authenticate against the Dashboard, Voice, and Messaging APIs.

In order to send text messages and create phone calls, you need a URL that accepts Bandwidth callbacks. ngrok can be used to start a server locally, or request bin can be used to set up a URL remote. Take note that callbacks do contain phone numbers, so be cautious when using any publicly accessible URLs.

Information on Bandwidth's callback can be found on our dev site.

List of CLI Commands

command Description
create Create sip peers/locations, sites/sub-accounts, and applications
default Manage default sip peers/locations, sites/sub-accounts, messaging applications, and number
delete Delete sip peers/locations, sites/sub-accounts, and applications
list List sip peers/locations, sites/sub-accounts, applications, and numbers associated with sites and sip peers
login Login to your bandwidth account to use this tool
message Send a text message through Bandwidth
order Order phone numbers
quickstart Set up your account quickly and process details automatically
accountInfo View products enabled on your account


This Bandwidth CLI uses nodeJs version 12. If node is not installed on your computer, visit for installation instructions for node. If you have node, check your version with node -v

With node on your machine, install the package globally through npm (or yarn)

npm install -g @bandwidth/quickstart-cli


yarn global add @bandwidth/quickstart-cli

log into your bandwidth account by specifying your account id, and your dashboard username and password. The account should be a messaging account. Other account types, such as voice or 911, are currently not supported.

>bandwidth login
Leaving a field blank will keep it at its previous value.
? Please enter your Bandwidth dashboard username myUsername
? Please enter your Bandwidth dashboard password. This will be securely stored. **********
? Please enter your Bandwidth account ID. 1234567
Your credentials have been saved. You can now start using the CLI.

Getting Started With Bandwidth

First time users should use the quickstart command to get started. You can use quickstart to order a number without prior setup, or simply setup your account (and order numbers later). quickstart can be used as many times as needed, and will automatically set up a new site, sippeer, and application without interacting with or influencing existing account settings.

*Note: quickstart will often fail if multiple CLIs were used, as no duplicate names are allowed for messaging applications. To specify a messaging application name, use bandwidth quickstart --custom

Callbacks and bandwidth More information about callback urls can be found at

>bandwidth quickstart
? Please enter a message callbackUrl. Information about sent messages will be sent here. Visit for information on Bandwidth callbacks. (example:

Messaging application created with id b01b1a3d-230a-467a-b143-3974fccc1ad0
Site created with id 37390
Sip Peer created with id 624642

? order a phone number?
? Found 10 numbers. Choose which to order.
 (*) 9195007741
 (*) 9195181224
>(*) 9195182893
 ( ) 9195182967
 ( ) 9195784173
 ( ) 9196703710
 ( ) 9197060281
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)
? order 3 phone numbers? Yes
Your order was placed. Awaiting order completion...

orderDate: 2020-07-10T22:03:45.475Z
note: Created a new number order for 3 numbers from RALEIGH, NC
status: COMPLETE
  - "9195007741"
  - "9195181224"
  - "9195182893"

setup successful. To order more numbers using this setup, use "bandwidth order category <quantity>" or "bandwidth order search <quantity>"

At this point, you can now use the number for messages or SDKs. Should you need more (or different) numbers than the 10 that were offered, you can order more numbers using bandwidth order.


Commands Table of Contents


  • bandwidth <command> --help is available in the cli for usage and flag notes.
  • bw is an alias for bandwidth. bw order number 123456789 is a valid syntax for the cli.


usage: bandwidth quickstart

Set up your account quickly and process details automatically to immediately enable number ordering and development.


name Description required
-v, --verbose Increase setup verbosity no
>bandwidth quickstart
? Please enter a message callbackUrl. Information about sent messages will be sent here. Visit for information on Bandwidth callbacks. (example:

Messaging application created with id b01b1a3d-230a-467a-b143-3974fccc1ad0
Site created with id 37390
Sip Peer created with id 624642

? order a phone number?
? Found 10 numbers. Choose which to order.
 (*) 9195007741
 (*) 9195181224
>(*) 9195182893
 ( ) 9195182967
 ( ) 9195784173
 ( ) 9196703710
 ( ) 9197060281
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)
? order 3 phone numbers? Yes
Your order was placed. Awaiting order completion...

orderDate: 2020-07-10T22:03:45.475Z
note: Created a new number order for 3 numbers from RALEIGH, NC
status: COMPLETE
  - "9195007741"
  - "9195181224"
  - "9195182893"

setup successful. To order more numbers using this setup, use "bandwidth order category <quantity>" or "bandwidth order search <quantity>"


used to create sites(also known as sub-accounts), sip peers (also known as locations), applications.

create site

usage: bandwidth create site <sitename>


name Description required
--address-type, -t must be either billing or service. yes
>bandwidth create site --address-type billing "my site name"
Site created. See details of your created Site below.

id: 37390
name: my site name
  houseNumber: 900
  streetName: MAIN CAMPUS
  streetSuffix: DR
  city: RALEIGH
  stateCode: NC
  zip: 27606
  plusFour: 5177
  country: United States
  addressType: Billing
>bandwidth create site --address-type service "my site name"
Site created. See details of your created Site below.

id: 37391
name: my site name
  houseNumber: 900
  streetName: MAIN CAMPUS
  streetSuffix: DR
  city: RALEIGH
  stateCode: NC
  zip: 27606
  plusFour: 5177
  country: United States
  addressType: Service

create sip peer

Create a sip peer (also known as location). Since all sip peers are nested under sub-accounts/sites, a siteId must be specified if no default site is set.

This command will automatically turn on sms and link the default messageApp to the site as a messaging application. Automatic voice application linking is not yet supported by this CLI and will result in an error.

usage: bandwidth create sippeer <peername>


name Description required
--site-id, -s A valid site Id to put the peer under. no (yes if no default site is configured.)
--default, -d Make this a default sip peer under the site. This is stored in your account and is not the same as the bandwidth default command. no
>bandwidth create sippeer "my peer name"
Using default site 37397
Peer created successfully...
enabled SMS by default.
Linked created Sip Peer to default messageApp 2065a8e4-20a7-4ec7-9e85-a1944fc5ad4c
Sip Peer created. See details of your created Peer below.

peerId: 624651
peerName: "my peer name"
isDefaultPeer: false
voiceHosts: 0
voiceHostGroups: 0
  product: TERMINATION
id: 624651
siteId: 37397

or, manually specify site Id

>bandwidth create sippeer --site-id mysiteId peername
Peer created successfully...
enabled SMS by default.
Linked created Sip Peer to default messageApp 2065a8e4-20a7-4ec7-9e85-a1944fc5ad4c
Sip Peer created. See details of your created Peer below.

peerId: 624651
peerName: peername
isDefaultPeer: false
voiceHosts: 0
voiceHostGroups: 0
  product: TERMINATION
id: 624651
siteId: 37397

create application

Create a voice or messaging application. Note that messaging applications cannot have duplicate names.

usage: bandwidth create app --type <type> <appname>


name Description required
--type, -t Specify whether the application is voice or messaging. yes
create a messaging application

>bandwidth create application --type messaging appname
? Please enter a message callbackUrl. Information about sent messages will be sent here. Visit for information on Bandwidth callbacks. (example:
Messaging application created. See details of your created application below.

applicationId: 2c9a96e7-0869-4a6c-94b7-ad39c15db38a
serviceType: Messaging-V2
appName: appname
callbackCreds: 0

or create a voice application

>bandwidth create application --type voice appname
? Please enter a callInitiatedCallbackUrl. Information for outbound calls will be sent here, and Bandwidth will attempt
to grab BXML at this endpoint. (example:
Voice application created. See details of your created application below.

applicationId: cfa5dcf5-02ab-4451-af15-88548fa35777
serviceType: Voice-V2
appName: appname
callInitiatedMethod: POST


Set, view, and manage a default site(subaccount), sip peer (location), and application. Defaults are used automatically for required fields if none are specified. For example, when ordering a number, the default site and sip peer will be used if none are specified.

Note that defaults, as referred to in this CLI, is different from the default sip peer of a site, as referred to in the rest of the bandwidth API docs


bandwidth default                                       //list all defaults
bandwidth default <default-field>                       //print the value of a particular default
bandwidth default <default-field> <default-value>       //set a new default
bandwidth default -d <default-field>                    //delete a default

Current accepted default-fields include site, sippeer, messageApp, and number.


name Description required
--delete, -d delete the settings of a default no
>bandwidth default
sippeer: 837494
site: 30673
application: 48e92ba2-20a7-9f8a-9e85-a1944fc5ad4c

>bandwidth default site

>bandwidth default site 12345
Default site set.

>bandwidth default site

>bandwidth default site -d
Default site deleted

>bandwidth default
sippeer: 837494
application: 48e92ba2-20a7-9f8a-9e85-a1944fc5ad4c


Delete sites(also known as sub-accounts), sip peers (also known as locations), applications.

delete site

Delete a site

usage: bandwidth delete site <site-id>


name Description required
--force, -f Force-delete the site and remove sip peers no
--verbose, -v Increase verbosity of output when force deleting no
>bandwidth delete site 37397
Site successfully deleted.

Or force delete all necessary components to delete the site, including all nested sip peers..

>bandwidth delete site 37731 --force --verbose
Phone numbers associated with sip peer 625370 have been disconnected        //applications are disconnected but not deleted.
Application unlinked from sip peer 625370
SMS deleted from sip peer 625370
Sip peer 625370 deleted.                                                    //Force deleting a site automatically removes all sip peers.
Site successfully deleted.

delete sippeer

Delete a sippeer

usage: bandwidth delete sippeer <peer-id>


name Description required
--site-id, -s Specify the ID of the site that the peer is in no (yes if no default site is configured.)
--force, -f Force delete by removing all numbers and settings. no
--verbose, -v Increase verbosity of output when force deleting no
>bandwidth delete sippeer --site-id 37397 624651
Sip Peer successfully deleted.

Or force delete all necessary components to delete the peer.

>bandwidth delete peer --force --verbose --site-id 37731 625370
Phone numbers associated with sip peer 625370 have been disconnected        //applications are disconnected but not deleted.
Application unlinked from sip peer 625370
SMS deleted from sip peer 625370
Sip peer 625370 deleted.

delete application

Delete an application

usage: bandwidth delete app <app-id>


name Description required
--force, -f Delete the application even if it is linked to a peer/location. no
>bandwidth delete app 241f63fe-4a46-4a64-893c-f71d775603b2
Application successfully deleted


List sites(subaccounts), sip peers(locations), applications, or numbers associated with certain sites/subaccounts.

list site

usage: bandwidth list site


name Description required
>bandwidth list site

│ (index) │               name               │ sipPeerCount │
│   123   │             'site1'              │      7       │
│   456   │          'site no two'           │      1       │

list peer

usage: bandwidth list sippeer [site-id]

Siteid is required unless a default site id is set, in which case the peers under the default site will be listed instead.


name Description required
>bandwidth list sippeer 45928
│ (index) │     peerName     │ isDefaultPeer │
│ 624650  │ 'My Sip Peer 23' │     true      │
│ 624651  │    'peername'    │     false     │

list application

usage: bandwidth list app


name Description required
>bandwidth list application

│               (index)                │  serviceType   │            appName            │
│ 77762e2e-59ff-4fb4-8586-fee69f073ed9 │ 'Messaging-V2' │   'your cool messaging app'   │
│ ecbba874-6be3-41b9-a63f-20bbb1c9dc95 │   'Voice-V2'   │            'name'             │

list numbers

List all numbers and their associated siteId and sip peer id. You can search numbers globally, at the site level, or at the sip peer level. By default, the numbers will be turned into a csv and stored in the current working directory (cwd) under bandwidth-numbers.csv.

CLI-level defaults are not used, so * or a site-id is required.


bandwidth list numbers *                        //list all numbers under your account
bandwidth list numbers <site-id>                //list all numbers under a particular site
bandwidth list numbers <site-id> <peer-id>      //list all numbers under a specific peer


name Description required
--out, -o [relative-path] specify the output's relative path. Prints a table to console if relative-path is not specified. Prints csv-formatted output to console if relative-path is stdout. Otherwise, saves the output to the file specified. no
//get all numbers from the account
>bandwidth list numbers * 
Telephone number data successfully written to users/yourName/bandwidth-numbers.csv

//get all numbers from the site 48259
>bandwidth list numbers 48259 
Telephone number data successfully written to users/yourName/bandwidth-numbers.csv

//get all numbers from the site 48259, sip peer 342594
>bandwidth list numbers 48259 342594
Telephone number data successfully written to users/yourName/bandwidth-numbers.csv

//Print to console as a table using --out
>bandwidth list numbers 37656 --out
│ (index) │    number    │ sippeer │ site  │
│    0    │ '5754041393' │ 625216  │ 37656 │
│    1    │ '5754894272' │ 625216  │ 37656 │
│    2    │ '5754895124' │ 625428  │ 37656 │

//print to console as raw csv data for piping
>bandwidth list numbers 37656 --out stdout

//save to a different file. 
>bandwidth list numbers 37656 --out my_file.csv
Telephone number data successfully written to users/your-name/your-cwd/my_file.csv


usage: bandwidth login


name Description required
>bandwidth login
Leaving a field blank will keep it at its previous value.
? Please enter your Bandwidth dashboard username myUsername
? Please enter your Bandwidth dashboard password. This will be securely stored. **********
? Please enter your Bandwidth account ID. 1234567
Your credentials have been saved. You can now start using the CLI.


usage: bandwidth message <number1> <number2> <number3, etc...>


name Description required
--app-id, -a Specify the application id to send a message under. no (yes if no default site is configured.)
--from-num, -n Specify the number from which a number is sent. no (yes if no default number is configured.)
--quiet, -q Suppress output. no
>bandwidth message +15554443333 --from-num +17249200266
Using default messageApp 7d5f2e74-8488-458b-bb12-6df895ef6041
? Enter the message you would like to send below: Hello!
Message request placed. The following information passed to server:

id: 1595885144985y3yyewnagcem5hws
owner: "+17249200266"
applicationId: 7d5f2e74-8488-458b-bb12-6df895ef6041
time: 2020-07-27T21:25:44.985Z
segmentCount: 1
direction: out
  - "+15554443333"
from: "+17249200266"
media: null
text: Hello!
tag: null

Warning: The message is not necessarily delivered. Callback information about the text should be accessed via a server. Set up a server for your default messageApp with "bandwidth code server".

>bw message +15554443333 --from-num 7249200266 -q
? Enter the message you would like to send below: Hello!
Message request placed.


Order phone numbers in three ways. Orders will be found under the specified sip peer.

  • order number: Order a list of specific numbers
  • order category: Order a given quantity of numbers with a criteria
  • order search: Search for numbers with a criteria and select those that you want to order

order number

usage: bandwidth order number <phone-numbers...> switches/options

name Description required
site-id the site that the number will be tied to no (yes if no default site is configured.)
peer-id the sip peer that the number will be tied to. if not specified, will use the site's built in default peer no
>bandwidth order numbers 4242064432 4242064617

? order 2 phone numbers?
Your order was placed. Awaiting order completion...

orderDate: 2020-07-13T18:39:08.952Z
note: Created a new number order for 2 numbers from REDONDO, CA
status: COMPLETE

order category

usage: bandwidth order category [order-parameters] <quantity>

Orders a specified quantity of numbers based on a set of query parameters. At least one query parameter is required. Use the switches/options below to specify query parameters.


name Description required
site-id the site that the number will be tied to no (yes if no default site is configured.)
peer-id the sip peer that the number will be tied to. if not specified, will use the site's built in default peer no
zip the zip code of the number no
area-code the area code of the number no
npa-nxx the first 6 digits of the phone number no
npa-nxx-x the first 7 digits of the phone numebr no
state the state abbreviation of the number. no
area-code the LATA (Local Access and Transport Area) of the number no
>bandwidth order category --state nc 5
You have selected the following:

state: nc

? order 5 numbers? Yes
Your order was placed. Awaiting order completion...

orderDate: 2020-07-13T19:31:44.093Z
note: Created a new number order for 5 numbers from (Multiple) Rate Centers
status: COMPLETE
  - "2525131647"
  - "2526426029"
  - "7043224179"
  - "7045503870"
  - "7045504093"

You can combine as many of these queries as you'd like.

>bandwidth order category --state nc --city raleigh --npa-nxx 919858 3
You have selected the following:

npaNxx: "919858"
state: nc
city: raleigh

? order 3 numbers?
Your order was placed. Awaiting order completion...

orderDate: 2020-07-13T19:35:25.832Z
note: Created a new number order for 2 numbers from RALEIGH, NC
status: COMPLETE
  - "9198586910"
  - "9198586913"

order search

usage: bandwidth order search [order-parameters] <quantity>

Finds a specified quantity of numbers based on a set of query parameters. At least one query parameter is required. You may choose to order any number of the orders found.

Use the switches/options below to specify query parameters.


name Description required
site-id the site that the number will be tied to no (yes if no default site is configured.)
peer-id the sip peer that the number will be tied to. if not specified, will use the site's built in default peer no
zip the zip code of the number no
area-code the area code of the number no
npa-nxx the first 6 digits of the phone number no
npa-nxx-x the first 7 digits of the phone numebr no
state the state abbreviation of the number. no
area-code the LATA (Local Access and Transport Area) of the number no
>bandwidth order search --state nc 5
? Found 5 numbers. Choose which to order.
>(*) 7047091101
 ( ) 7047091161
 ( ) 7047091328
 ( ) 7047091233
 ( ) 7047091391
? order 2 phone numbers?
Your order was placed. Awaiting order completion...

orderDate: 2020-07-13T19:37:57.740Z
note: Created a new number order for 2 numbers from ALTON, NC
status: COMPLETE
  - "7047091101"
  - "7047091233"

You can combine as many of these queries as you'd like.

>bandwidth order search--state nc --city raleigh --npa-nxx 919858 3
? Found 3 numbers. Choose which to order. 9198586910, 9198586913
? order 2 phone numbers? Yes
Your order was placed. Awaiting order completion...

orderDate: 2020-07-13T19:35:25.832Z
note: Created a new number order for 2 numbers from RALEIGH, NC
status: COMPLETE
  - "9198586910"
  - "9198586913"


Displays information regarding the enabled products and features for your account

usage: bandwidth accountInfo

│     (index)      │                                              features                                               │
│  EdgeManagement  │                                              'SIPAuth'                                              │
│    MESSAGING     │                        'ShortCode, HTTPV2, MMS, TollFree, SMS, A2pLongCode'                         │
│ NumberManagement │ 'ExternalTNs, Reservation, PortOutPasscodeProtection, CSR, IMPORT_TNS, Ordering, ProtectedTNs, LNP' │
│   Termination    │                                        'TermHttpVoice, Full'                                        │
│   Origination    │                          'CNAM, LIDB, OrigHttpVoice, DlDa, CallForwarding'                          │
│    Analytics     │                                        'MessagingAnalytics'                                         │

What's Next?

After you have ordered some phone numbers and set up your applications, you can go to Bandwidth's devsite for information on our APIs. Our Messaging docs contains information on sending and receiving text messages, and our Voice docs contain information on how to create and manage phone calls.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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