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OpenEdge ABL Formatter Logo OpenEdge ABL Formatter Node.js CI

VSCode extension for Progress OpenEdge ABL code formatting.

This extension uses tree-sitter-abl implementation by Kamil Jakubus.

Current status

The OpenEdge ABL Formatter is now available in the VS Code Extension Marketplace.


  1. We currently recommend not using the formatter with the on save trigger.
  2. Use formatting cautiously, especially when working with existing code that is difficult to test.

Formatter in action


At the moment we implemented formatting logic for these language features:

  • Assign
  • block
  • body
  • case
  • enum
  • find
  • for
  • functionParameter
  • if
  • ifFunction
  • procedureParameter
  • property
  • tempTable
  • using
  • variableDefinition


Download the extension from VSCode Marketplace and install on your machine. There are no additional dependencies needed to launch this extension.

Configuration and Setup

We implemented extensive settings configuration to allow users to easly tailor the experience to their needs. This might not be the case in the future.


Property Name Type Default Values list Description
assign formatting boolean true true, false Enable/disable ASSIGN statement formatting.
assign formatting assign location string New New, Same Should assigns be located on a new line or the same line as the ASSIGN keyword
assign formatting align right expression string Yes Yes, No Should right expression be aligned by longest one
assign formatting end dot location string New aligned New, New aligned, Same Should end dot be located on a new line or the same line as the ASSIGN keyword
find formatting boolean true true,false Enable FIND formatting
for formatting boolean true true,false Enable FOR formatting
case formatting boolean true true,false Enable CASE formatting
case formatting then location string Same New, Same Should THEN clause be on a new line or the same line as the CASE keyword?
case formatting do location string Same New, Same Should DO block be on a new line or the same line as the THEN keyword
case formatting statement location string New New, Same Should the first statement in a WHEN block be on a new line or the same line
block formatting boolean true true,false Enable block formatting
if formatting boolean true true,false Enable IF formatting
if formatting then location string Same New, Same Should THEN clause be on a new line or the same line as the IF keyword
if formatting do location string Same New, Same Should DO block be on a new line or the same line as the THEN keyword
if formatting statement location string Same New, Same Should the first statement in an IF block be on a new line or the same line
temptable formatting boolean true true,false Enable TEMP-TABLE formatting
using formatting boolean true true,false Enable USING formatting
body formatting boolean true true,false Enable BODY formatting
property formatting boolean true true,false Enable property formatting
if function formatting boolean true true,false Enable IF FUNCTION formatting
if function formatting add parentheses string No Yes, No Add parentheses around the expression
if function formatting else location string Same New, Same Should ELSE clause be on a new line or the same line as the IF FUNCTION keyword
enum formatting boolean true true,false Enable ENUM formatting
enum formatting end dot location string Same New, Same Should end dot be located on a new line or the same line
variable definition formatting boolean true true,false Enable DEFINE VARIABLE formatting
procedure parameter formatting boolean true true,false Enable PROCEDURE PARAMETER formatting
function parameter formatting boolean true true,false Enable FUNCTION PARAMETER formatting
function parameter formatting align parameter types string Yes Yes, No Align parameter types
array access formatting boolean true true,false Enable ARRAY ACCESS formatting
array access formatting add space after comma string Yes Yes, No Add space after comma
expression formatting boolean true true,false Enable EXPRESSION formatting
expression formatting logical location string New New, Same Should logical operators be on a new line or the same line as the expression
statement formatting boolean true true,false Enable STATEMENT formatting
show tree info on hover boolean true true,false Enable table view with tree info on hover


Use default VSCode formatting commands:

  • Format Document: Formats the entire ABL document. SHIFT+ALT+F
  • Format Selection: Formats only the selected lines of code. CTRL+K CTRL+F

Also, you can enable or disable formatting on save:

"editor.formatOnSave": true

Alowed file extensions:

  • .p
  • .cls
  • .i
  • .w

Overriding Settings:

For development reasons, we implemented a mechanism to override formatting settings for a specific file. You can also use this feature by adding a leading comment in your code file:


/* formatterSettingsOverride */
/* { 
"AblFormatter.blockFormatting": true,
"AblFormatter.assignFormatting": true,
"abl.completion.upperCase": false
} */
def var a as integer no-undo init 1.

repeat while true:
    a = 10.
    message a.

For more examples you can check out our test directory


We implemented debug mode for looking into tree-sitter issues. You can also enable it:

  1. First you have to format the document.
  2. Then you can enable debug mode by pressing Abl Formater button in the middle bottom of the editor.
  3. Hover on highlighted parts of code to get more information and see the tree view.

Debug Mode


Registering formatter issues

Fixing yourself

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Commit your changes and push to your branch.
  4. Submit a pull request to the main repository.


This project is licensed under the APACHE 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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