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Baktus edited this page Oct 9, 2019 · 1 revision

Messages File

The message file gives you, as the server owner, an opportunity to change (almost) all text displayed in the game within this plugin.

The configuration file can be found in the plugin folder on your server.


Placeholders will only work if relevant. For example, you can't use %name% on unvalid-number.

Placeholders Effect
%claimid% Displays the claimID of the claim
%player% Displays the player who performed the command
%name% Displays the custom name given to the claim
%world% Displays the world name where the claim is located
%time% Displays the remaining time left in warmup and cooldown section
%coordinate% Displays the coordinates


  teleport: '&eYou have successfully teleported to your claim with the id &6%claimid%'
  header: '&e-- === [ &6Claimslist for %player% &e] === --'
  no-claims: '&cYou do not have any claims yet.'
  claimid: '&eClaimID:'
  claim-name: '&eName:'
  coordinate: '&eCoordinates:'
  claimid-color: '&6'
  claim-name-color: '&6'
  coordinate-color: '&6'
  no-arguments: '&cYou must define claimID and a name.'
  no-name: '&cPlease enter a valid name for your claim.'
  set-name: '&eName for claimid &6%claimid% &ehas been set to &6%name%'
  outside-claim: '&cPlease stand inside your claim to set a new spawn location.'
  no-owner: '&cYou are not the owner of this claim.'
  set-spawn: '&eNew spawn location has been set for claimid &6%claimid% &eat location &6%coordinate% &ein world &6%world%&e.'
  cooldown: '&cPlease wait %time% seconds before you can teleport to your claim again.'
  title: '&eDon''t move'
  subtitle: '&6---%time%---'
  cancelled: '&cTeleportation cancelled!'
  unvalid-number: '&cThis is not a valid number! Please use whole number.'
  unvalid-claimid: '&cYou must enter a valid claimID.'
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