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BagelOrb committed Jan 4, 2015
1 parent ebdba6d commit 657d7cc
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Showing 18 changed files with 1,707,192 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added 3d-carcassonne-game-tiles-attribution-PC.pdf
Binary file not shown.
1,236 changes: 1,236 additions & 0 deletions GameTiles-PC.scad

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

688 changes: 688 additions & 0 deletions GameTiles_River_Expansion-PC.scad

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

310,466 changes: 310,466 additions & 0 deletions GameTiles_plate1-PC.stl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

179,146 changes: 179,146 additions & 0 deletions GameTiles_plate2-PC.stl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

127,584 changes: 127,584 additions & 0 deletions GameTiles_plate3-PC.stl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

51,970 changes: 51,970 additions & 0 deletions GameTiles_plate4-PC.stl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

34,372 changes: 34,372 additions & 0 deletions GameTiles_plate5-PC.stl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

542 changes: 542 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE-PC.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added README.pdf
Binary file not shown.
272,666 changes: 272,666 additions & 0 deletions basicBoard-PC.stl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

283,334 changes: 283,334 additions & 0 deletions basicBoard2-PC.stl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

310,312 changes: 310,312 additions & 0 deletions basicBoard3-PC.stl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,541 changes: 1,541 additions & 0 deletions river_II-PC.scad

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

132,554 changes: 132,554 additions & 0 deletions river_expansion_tiles-PC.stl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions river_try-PC.scad
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
//Layer heights:
//Grass 0.0-1.0mm
//Roads 1.0-1.3mm
//Shields 1.3-1.6mm
//City 1.6-2.0mm
//Buildings 2.0-100mm
//translate([-25,-25,-0.5]) color([1,0,0]) cube([50,50,1.6]);

function rr(seed, i, length) = rands(-2,3,1, seed)[0]*i/length*(length-i)/length*2 + 2;

module river(seed=0, length=40) {
d = [[0,0],[10, 1],[length-10, 1],[length, 0]];

off1 = rands(-10,10,3, seed)[0];
off2 = rands(-10,10,3, seed)[1];
off3 = rands(-30,30,3, seed)[2];
scale3 = rands(1,3,1, seed+1)[0];

// translate([0,0,-0.4])
linear_extrude(height=0.8) intersection() {
translate([0,-20]) for(i=[0:length-1]) hull() {
translate([sin(i*off1)*2*sign(off3)*lookup(i,d)+sin(i*off2)*2*sign(off3)*lookup(i,d)+sin(i*off3)*scale3*lookup(i,d),i]) circle(r=rr(seed+i, i, length));
translate([sin((i+1)*off1)*2*sign(off3)*lookup((i+1),d)+sin((i+1)*off2)*2*sign(off3)*lookup((i+1),d)+sin((i+1)*off3)*scale3*lookup((i+1),d),(i+1)]) circle(r=rr(seed+i+100, i, length));

module bridge() {

difference() {
cylinder(h=10,r=10, center = true);
cylinder(h=2,r=11, center = true);
cylinder(h=2,r=11, center = true);

cylinder(h=20,r=8, center = true);
translate([0,0,-3]) cube([40,40,20], center = true);

module lake(seed=0, length=40) {

r = 10;

linear_extrude(height=0.4) {
// union() {
// translate([10,10]) hull() for(i=[0:length-1]) {
// translate([rands(-10,10,1,seed*(i+1)+i)[0],rands(-10,10,1,seed+i+length)[0],0])
// circle(r=1);
// }
// translate([10,10]) for(i=[0:length-1]) {
// translate([rands(-10,10,1,seed*(i+1)+i)[0],rands(-10,10,1,seed+i+length)[0],0])
// circle(r=rr(seed, i, length));
// }
// }

union() {
for(i=[0:length-1]) {
circle(r=rr(seed, i, length));


module bottom(top=0,right=0,bottom=0,left=0,shield=0) {
render() difference() {
union() {
cube([40, 40, 1],center=true);
translate([0,-10,0]) cube([44, 5, 1],center=true);
translate([0, 10,0]) cube([44, 5, 1],center=true);
translate([-10,0,0]) cube([5, 44, 1],center=true);
translate([ 10,0,0]) cube([5, 44, 1],center=true);
if (top == 3) translate([20,10,0]) rotate(a=45, v=[0,0,1]) cube([sqrt(2)*5, sqrt(2)*5,1],center=true);
if (bottom == 3) translate([-20,-10,0]) rotate(a=45, v=[0,0,1]) cube([sqrt(2)*5, sqrt(2)*5,1],center=true);
if (right == 3) translate([-10, 20,0]) rotate(a=45, v=[0,0,1]) cube([sqrt(2)*5, sqrt(2)*5,1],center=true);
if (left == 3) translate([ 10,-20,0]) rotate(a=45, v=[0,0,1]) cube([sqrt(2)*5, sqrt(2)*5,1],center=true);

if (top == 0) translate([25, 0,0]) cube([10,50,10],center=true);
if (top == 1) translate([25, 10,0]) cube([14.4, 5.4,10],center=true);
if (top == 2) translate([25,-10,0]) cube([14.4, 5.4,10],center=true);
if (top == 3) translate([20,-10,0]) rotate(a=45, v=[0,0,1]) cube([sqrt(2)*5, sqrt(2)*5,10],center=true);

if (bottom == 0) translate([-25, 0,0]) cube([10,50,10],center=true);
if (bottom == 1) translate([-25,-10,0]) cube([14.4, 5.4,10],center=true);
if (bottom == 2) translate([-25, 10,0]) cube([14.4, 5.4,10],center=true);
if (bottom == 3) translate([-20, 10,0]) rotate(a=45, v=[0,0,1]) cube([sqrt(2)*5, sqrt(2)*5,10],center=true);

if (right == 0) translate([ 0, 25,0]) cube([50,10,10],center=true);
if (right == 1) translate([-10, 25,0]) cube([ 5.2,14.4,10],center=true);
if (right == 2) translate([ 10, 25,0]) cube([ 5.2,14.4,10],center=true);
if (right == 3) translate([ 10, 20,0]) rotate(a=45, v=[0,0,1]) cube([sqrt(2)*5, sqrt(2)*5,10],center=true);

if (left == 0) translate([ 0,-25,0]) cube([50,10,10],center=true);
if (left == 1) translate([ 10,-25,0]) cube([ 5.2,14.4,10],center=true);
if (left == 2) translate([-10,-25,0]) cube([ 5.2,14.4,10],center=true);
if (left == 3) translate([-10,-20,0]) rotate(a=45, v=[0,0,1]) cube([sqrt(2)*5, sqrt(2)*5,10],center=true);

if (shield) translate([13-(5*(shield-1)),13,0.5]) {
linear_extrude(height = 0.8,center=true) difference() {
intersection() {
translate([0,2,0]) circle(r=5);
translate([0,-2,0]) circle(r=5);
translate([5.5,0]) circle(r=5);
if (shield) translate([13-(5*(shield-1)),13,0.5]) {
%linear_extrude(height = 10,center=true) difference() {
intersection() {
translate([0,2,0]) circle(r=5);
translate([0,-2,0]) circle(r=5);
translate([5.5,0]) circle(r=5);

//lake(3, 60);

module fwfw(seed=0) {
difference() {
color([0.3,0.7,0.3]) bottom(0,3,0,3);

module cwcw_alt(seed=0) {
difference() {
color([0.3,0.7,0.3]) bottom(1,3,1,3);

rotate([0,0,180]) singleCityWall();

if (seed == 1) wallTower(15);
if (seed == 2) wallTower(20, 1);
if (seed == 2) rotate(180) wallTower(25);

offX = rands(-1.5,1.5,7*7,seed+20);
offY = rands(-1.5,1.5,7*7,seed+21);
rots = rands(0,360,7*7,seed+22);
if ((y > -2 && y < 2) && (x == 3 || x == -3))
rotate([0,0,rots[x+3+(y+3)*7]]) house();

module plate1() {
translate([ 0, 0]) fwfw(253);
translate([ 50, 0]) fwfw(); //435
translate([100, 0]) cwcw_alt(25);
/* translate([150, 0]) cwcw_alt(253);
translate([ 0, 50]) cccf(3,1);
translate([ 50, 50]) cccr(10,0);
translate([100, 50]) cccr(16,1);
translate([150, 50]) cccr(4,1);
translate([ 0,100]) ccff(0,0);
translate([ 50,100]) ccff(1,0);
translate([100,100]) ccff(2,0);
translate([150,100]) ccff(10,1);
translate([ 0,150]) ccff(11,1);
translate([ 50,150]) ccff_alt(1,0);
translate([100,150]) ccff_alt(2,0);
translate([150,150]) ccrr(0,0);


module singleCityWall() {
render() intersection() {
translate([0,0,1]) bottom(1,0,0,0);
translate([ 40,0,0]) cylinder(r=30,h=10,$fn=22);

module roundCityWall() {
render(convexity=2) intersection() {
union() {
difference() {
translate([ 40,0,0]) cylinder(r=30,h=8,$fn=22);
translate([ 40,0,0]) cylinder(r=28,h=12,$fn=22);
translate([ 40,0,8]) rotate([0,0,360/22*(0.5+i)]) cube([60,3,2],center=true);
translate([ 20, 20]) cylinder(r=3,h=9);
translate([ 20,-20]) cylinder(r=3,h=9);

module wallTower(rot=10,type=0) {
translate([40,0,0]) rotate(rot) translate([-28,0,0]) difference() {
union() {
if (type == 0) {
translate([0,0,10]) cylinder(r1=3,r2=4,h=2,$fn=8);
translate([0,0,12]) cylinder(r=4,h=2,$fn=8);
if (type == 1) {
translate([0,0,10]) cylinder(r1=3.5,r2=1,h=5,$fn=8);
if (type == 0) {
translate([0,0,12]) cylinder(r=2.7,h=4,$fn=8);
for(i=[0:3]) translate([0,0,14]) rotate(360/16+i*360/8) cube([20,0.8,2],center=true);


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