Welcome to my developer portfolio template with HTML, CSS and JS 🚀 🚀 🚀. Free to use and easy to customize.
Here you have a snapshot of how it looks like.
This is a template made for developers to use it as a landing page 💻. To see the live demo visit guimgonzalez.business.
This template is fully customazible. To change your profile info, go to: data/data.js
Within the file you'll find a Javascript object which contains all the profile data. Change the fields to your current one and once it's done, 💥 boom, refresh 🔁 the page and 👁 see the magic.
This is a reduced version of the profile object:
var profile = {
name: "Guim González",
position: "Blockchain and FullStack developer",
email: "[email protected]",
location: "Barcelona, Spain",
birth: "1997-07-26"
Let's change the profile information to John's Doe
// My new profile
var profile = {
name: "John Doe",
position: "Web developer and cake lover",
email: "[email protected]",
location: "San Francisco, CA",
birth: "1989-09-06"
Done ✅ the new profile is ready. Try yours! 🔥
Don't like the color? 👨🎨 Try changing to new themes, here you have a list of them:
- Nightsky
- Sunset
- Purpledream
- Cutekitty
let page = {
theme: "nightsky"
// ^ themes suported:
// - nightsky (default)
// - sunset
// - purpledream
// - cutekitty
In this first version you can't change the language yet. Soon I'll commit new updates.
Once you've forked, cloned or downloaded this repository, you can host your site on Github with github pages. Once it's done, you can commit changes to the repo and they'll be automaticaly changed in your page. Or you can buy your own hosting if you want to.
For any problem ❗️ or question ❓ of usage send me an email ✉️. Also, if you want any improvement on the page, feel free to write me. I'm open to all suggestions.
For bugs 🐛 or issues
This code is under the MIT License which you can find in the master branch.