This magento module provides a stub for a magento module with ready to go phpunit unittest capabilities by combining multiple exising open source project projects.
- PHP 5.3+
- *nix (make, curl)
It is ready to be forked module stub. The module itself can be easily installed via modman or composer on a composer/modman ready magento. The testing itself is using modman to install the module to a magento which also will be automaticly installed during the testing process to a local module subdirectory - this requires a working modman config even if you plan to use the module with composer only later.
This will:
- download composer
- run composer to install magetest/magento-phpunit-extension, n98-magerun, modman, phpunit
- install a magento (using the db connection details from the makefile)
- install the magetest/magento-phpunit-extension module to magento using modman (copy mode)
- install some missing files from magento-phpunit-extension to magento using modman (copy mode)
- install the module itself to magento using modman (symlink)
- run the magento-phpunit-extension default unit tests
The Stub combines multiple project.
- Make
- Easy way to initalize an setup a Test Environment (a fancy bash script if you will)
- Composer
- Install all needed Components for Testing
- Magento Community Edition -
- as handy shell interface to magento to have an easy way to install a magento via shell
- to install plugins to the n98 magento install
- as Unittest Framework
- as Unittest Basis for Magento
- and it is compatible to allow composer like install of the module lateron (not used for pure unit testing)
There is special composer config where you should think about putting in your own github-oauth key. The preferred-install is set to make as little as possible github api calls.
"config": {
"bin-dir": "bin",
"preferred-install": "dist",
"github-protocols:": ["https", "ssh", "git"],
"github-oauth": {"": "xxxxx"},
"cache-files-maxsize": "2048MiB"