RusticiSoftwareCloudV2 - the Ruby gem for the SCORM Cloud Rest API
REST API used for SCORM Cloud integrations.
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.0 beta
- Package version: 1.0.0-beta
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build rustici_software_cloud_v2.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./rustici_software_cloud_v2-1.0.0-beta.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./rustici_software_cloud_v2-1.0.0-beta.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'rustici_software_cloud_v2', '~> 1.0.0-beta'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'rustici_software_cloud_v2', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'rustici_software_cloud_v2'
# Setup authorization
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: APP_NORMAL
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAUTH
config.access_token = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN'
api_instance =
application_name = 'application_name_example' # String |
#Create a new application
result = api_instance.create_application(application_name)
p result
rescue RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling ApplicationManagementApi->create_application: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationManagementApi | create_application | PUT /appManagement/applications/{applicationName} | Create a new application |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationManagementApi | create_credential | POST /appManagement/{childAppId}/credentials | Create credential |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationManagementApi | create_token | POST /appManagement/token | Create token |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationManagementApi | delete_application | DELETE /appManagement/applications/{childAppId} | Delete an application. If the application contains content, it must first be manually removed before calling this method, else an error will be thrown. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationManagementApi | delete_credential | DELETE /appManagement/{childAppId}/credentials/{credentialId} | Removes credentialId credentials |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationManagementApi | get_application_configuration | GET /appManagement/configuration | Returns all configuration settings for this level |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationManagementApi | get_application_list | GET /appManagement/applications | Get list of all applications in this realm. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationManagementApi | get_credentials | GET /appManagement/{childAppId}/credentials | List of credentials |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationManagementApi | set_application_configuration | POST /appManagement/configuration | Set configuration settings for this level. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationManagementApi | update_credential | PUT /appManagement/{childAppId}/credentials/{credentialId} | Update the name or status associated with credentialId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::AuthenticationApi | get_app_token | POST /oauth/authenticate/application/token | Authenticates for a oauth token |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | build_course_preview_launch_link | POST /courses/{courseId}/preview | Returns the launch link to use to preview this course |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | build_course_preview_launch_link_with_version | POST /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/preview | Returns the link to use to preview this course |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | create_fetch_and_import_course_job | POST /courses/importJobs | Start a job to fetch and import a course. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | create_upload_and_import_course_job | POST /courses/importJobs/upload | Upload a course and start an import job for it. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | delete_course | DELETE /courses/{courseId} | Delete courseId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | delete_course_configuration_setting | DELETE /courses/{courseId}/configuration/{settingId} | Clears the settingId value for this course |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | delete_course_tags | DELETE /courses/{courseId}/tags | Delete tags for this course |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | delete_course_version | DELETE /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId} | Delete version versionId of courseId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | delete_course_version_configuration_setting | DELETE /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/configuration/{settingId} | Clears the settingId value for this course and version. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | get_course | GET /courses/{courseId} | Get information about courseId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | get_course_configuration | GET /courses/{courseId}/configuration | Returns all configuration settings for this course |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | get_course_statements | GET /courses/{courseId}/xAPIStatements | Get xAPI statements for courseId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | get_course_tags | GET /courses/{courseId}/tags | Get the tags for this course |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | get_course_version_configuration | GET /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/configuration | Returns all configuration settings for this course and version. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | get_course_version_info | GET /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId} | Get version versionId of courseId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | get_course_version_statements | GET /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/xAPIStatements | Get xAPI statements for version versionId of courseId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | get_course_versions | GET /courses/{courseId}/versions | Get all versions of courseId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | get_courses | GET /courses | Get all courses for appId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | get_import_job_status | GET /courses/importJobs/{importJobId} | Check the status of an import job. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | put_course_tags | PUT /courses/{courseId}/tags | Set the tags for this course |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | put_course_tags_batch | PUT /courses/tags | Sets all of the provided tags on all of the provided courses |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | set_course_configuration | POST /courses/{courseId}/configuration | Set configuration settings for this course. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | set_course_title | PUT /courses/{courseId}/title | Sets the course title for courseId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseApi | set_course_version_configuration | POST /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/configuration | Set configuration settings for this course and version. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::PingApi | ping_app_id | GET /ping | Get back a message indicating that the API is working. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | create_new_registration_instance | POST /registrations/{registrationId}/instances | Create a new instance for this registration specified by the registration ID |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | create_registration | POST /registrations | Create a registration. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | delete_registration | DELETE /registrations/{registrationId} | Delete registrationId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | delete_registration_configuration_setting | DELETE /registrations/{registrationId}/configuration/{settingId} | Clears the settingId value for this registration |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | delete_registration_instance_configuration_setting | DELETE /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId}/configuration/{settingId} | Clears the settingId value for this registration instance |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | delete_registration_progress | DELETE /registrations/{registrationId}/progress | Delete registration progress (clear registration) |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | delete_registration_tags | DELETE /registrations/{registrationId}/tags | Delete tags for this registration |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | delete_registrations_global_data | DELETE /registrations/{registrationId}/globalData | Delete global data associated with registrationId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | get_registration_configuration | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/configuration | Returns all configuration settings for this registration |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | get_registration_instance_configuration | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId}/configuration | Returns all configuration settings for this registration instance |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | get_registration_instance_launch_history | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId}/launchHistory | Returns history of this registration's launches |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | get_registration_instance_progress | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId} | Get registration progress for instance instanceId of registrationId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | get_registration_instance_statements | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId}/xAPIStatements | Get xAPI statements for instance instanceId of registrationId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | get_registration_instances | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/instances | Get all the instances of this the registration specified by the registration ID |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | get_registration_launch_history | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/launchHistory | Returns history of this registration's launches |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | get_registration_launch_link | POST /registrations/{registrationId}/launchLink | Returns the link to use to launch this registration |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | get_registration_progress | GET /registrations/{registrationId} | Get registration progress for registrationId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | get_registration_statements | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/xAPIStatements | Get xAPI statements for registrationId |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | get_registration_tags | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/tags | Get the tags for this registration |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | get_registrations | GET /registrations | Gets a list of registrations including a summary of the status of each registration. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | put_registration_tags | PUT /registrations/{registrationId}/tags | Set the tags for this registration |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | put_registration_tags_batch | PUT /registrations/tags | Sets all of the provided tags on all of the provided registrations |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | registration_exists | HEAD /registrations/{registrationId} | Does this registration exist? |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | set_registration_configuration | POST /registrations/{registrationId}/configuration | Set configuration settings for this registration. |
RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationApi | set_registration_instance_configuration | POST /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId}/configuration | Set configuration settings for this registration instance. |
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ActivityResultSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationListSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ApplicationToken
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CommentSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CompletionAmountSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseActivitySchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseListNonPagedSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseListSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseReferenceSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CourseTagsBatchSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CreateRegistrationSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CredentialCreatedSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CredentialListSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CredentialRequestSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::CredentialSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ImportFetchRequestSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ImportJobResultSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ImportResultSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::IntegerResultSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ItemValuePairSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::LaunchHistoryListSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::LaunchHistorySchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::LaunchLinkRequestSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::LaunchLinkSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::LearnerPreferenceSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::LearnerSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::LinkSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::MessageSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::MetadataSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ObjectiveSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::PermissionsSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::PingSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::PostBackSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationCompletion
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationListSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationSuccess
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RegistrationTagsBatchSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ResponseError
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RuntimeInteractionSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RuntimeObjectiveSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::RuntimeSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::ScoreSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::SettingItem
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::SettingListSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::SettingMetadata
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::SettingValidValue
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::SettingsIndividualSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::SettingsPostSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::SharedDataEntrySchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::StaticPropertiesSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::StringResultSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::TagListSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::TagPostSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::TitleSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::TokenRequestSchema
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiAccount
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiActivity
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiActivityDefinition
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiAgentGroup
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiAttachment
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiContext
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiContextActivity
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiInteractionComponent
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiResult
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiScore
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiStatement
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiStatementReference
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiStatementResult
- RusticiSoftwareCloudV2::XapiVerb
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: launchToken
- Location: URL query string
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: application
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- read: Grants read access
- write: Grants write access
- delete: Grants deletion access
- admin: Grants read, write, and account management access
- read:course: Grants read access to course methods
- write:course: Grants write access to course methods
- delete:course: Grants deletion access to course methods
- read:dispatch: Grants read access to dispatch methods
- write:dispatch: Grants write access to dispatch methods
- delete:dispatch: Grants deletion access to dispatch methods
- read:invitation: Grants read access to invitation methods
- write:invitation: Grants write access to invitation methods
- delete:invitation: Grants deletion access to invitation methods
- read:ping: Grants read access to the ping method
- read:registration: Grants read access to registration methods
- write:registration: Grants write access to registration methods
- delete:registration: Grants deletion access to registration methods
- read:reporting: Grants read access to reporting methods
- read:xapicredential: Grants read access to xapi credential methods
- write:xapicredential: Grants write access to xapi credential methods
- delete:xapicredential: Grants deletion access to xapi credential methods
- read:xapipipe: Grants read access to xapi pipe methods
- write:xapipipe: Grants write access to xapi pipe methods
- delete:xapipipe: Grants deletion access to xapi pipe methods
- read:appmgmt: Grants read access to app management methods
- write:appmgmt: Grants write access to app management methods
- delete:appmgmt: Grants deletion access to app management methods
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: authtoken
- Location: URL query string