Retrieves all the open, high, low, close values for all cryptocurrencies. This retrieves data from CoinMarketCap's historical tables.
These instructions will get you a copy of the crypto R package installed and ready to go.
Below are the high level dependencies for the package
R (>= 3.4.3), foreach, rvest, xml2
For now installation is through devtools::install_github("jessevent/crypto") until the cran package is accepted.
# for the original code
# the original code may point to the old json location in whcich coinmarketcap data was stored. If you run into errors you can try my updated package.
# for my adapted code:
This is the main function of this package and once ran will go and scrape all the historical tables of all the different cryptocurrencies listed on CoinMarketCap and turn it into a data frame.
will_i_get_rich <- getCoins()
My code change also allows the following:
# top 100
n = 100
tickers <- listCoins(n)
# check the symbols
symbols <- tickers[,"symbol"]
3 check the coins
curnames <- tickers[,"name"]
# grab the data
df <- getCoins(n)
I've had to go over the code with a fine tooth comb to get it compatible with CRAN so there have been significant enhancements to how some of the field conversions have been undertaken and the data being cleaned. This should eliminate a few issues around number formatting or unexpected handling of scientific notations.
Observations: 649,051
Variables: 13
$ slug <chr> "bitcoin", "bitcoin", "bitcoin", "bitcoin"...
$ symbol <chr> "BTC", "BTC", "BTC", "BTC", "BTC", "BTC", ...
$ name <chr> "Bitcoin", "Bitcoin", "Bitcoin", "Bitcoin"...
$ date <date> 2013-04-28, 2013-04-29, 2013-04-30, 2013-...
$ ranknow <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...
$ open <dbl> 135.30, 134.44, 144.00, 139.00, 116.38, 10...
$ high <dbl> 135.98, 147.49, 146.93, 139.89, 125.60, 10...
$ low <dbl> 132.10, 134.00, 134.05, 107.72, 92.28, 79...
$ close <dbl> 134.21, 144.54, 139.00, 116.99, 105.21, 97...
$ volume <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
$ market <dbl> 1500520000, 1491160000, 1597780000, 154282...
$ close_ratio <dbl> 0.5438, 0.7813, 0.3843, 0.2882, 0.3881, 0...
$ spread <dbl> 3.88, 13.49, 12.88, 32.17, 33.32, 29.03, 2...
Original code from
- Jesse Vent - Package Author - jessevent
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the
<> file for details</>
- Thanks to the team at for the great work they do and to the team at CoinTelegraph where the images were sourced.
- Please star this if you find it useful, and remember the crypto currency market is volatile by nature, please be responsible if trading.