This package provides a simulator for a swarm of modified SRV-1 robots operating on coloured pucks. Through a separate package (SrvLink) it is possible to use the same code to control the robots directly. The best description for the robots and some of the algorithms can be found in the paper available below:
Run the simulator in GUI mode (for debugging and visualization) by running arena.RunTestbed. Run without the GUI by executing arena.RunOffline. You can use ant to execute these actions:
ant RunTestbed
ant RunOffline
Actually, just run the following for available options:
This requires both ant and ivy to be installed.
The controllers are located in the 'controllers' package. The default controller to run is set in controllers.ControllerUtils. To modify this change the following line
String controllerType = ExperimentManager.getCurrent().getProperty(
"controllerType", "CacheCons", null);
For example, to run BHD replace "CacheCons" with "BHD".
To modify various other parameters of the system (number of pucks, puck types, robots, etc...) modify the appropriate lines in arena.Arena. For example, to increase the number of robots, go to the following line:
int nRobots = ExperimentManager.getCurrent().getProperty(
"Arena.nRobots", 2, null);
and change 2 to whatever you wish (although you will get significant impact on performance with a larger number of robots; mostly I used 4 robots but tested up to 16).
Andrew Vardy [email protected]