I didn't like the grey... and then I adjusted a lot of colours for fun. I did run this through the color test thing so it should be all visible. It should be compatible in the same way the original markbahnman/vim-pico8-color. I believe I have left the original colors alone so sprite mapping still is the same.
Vim color scheme inspired by the PICO-8 fantasy console.
(Font in the pic is Bolded Cousine Nerd Font Mono)
Requires a terminal with true color support (or GVim/MacVim).
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'BOTButtcheeks/vimbnunny8'
Plug 'ssteinbach/vim-pico8-syntax' " optional
I honestly haven't gotten a pico-8 syntax to work, as you can see with the errors in the pictures, but that should be unrelated to coloring
put the below stuff after the call plug#end(), I don't think it works above it
set termguicolors
colorscheme bnunny8.vim
This is a fork of BordenJardine's color scheme pico8-vim-colorscheme, but I have redone almost everything.
This color scheme works well with with:
- ssteinbach/vim-pico8-syntax - Syntax highlighting for PICO-8's
files - juanitogan/p8-programming-fonts - Fonts modified for PICO-8 programming
Thanks to Roman Zolotarev for his PICO-8 Color Palette, which was a useful reference when making this.