Supporting repository for the manuscript of the same name. Here, one can find scripts and instructions to recreate the work partly or as a whole.
script is here to access the data used in the work. Example usage:
git clone
cd multiomics_vs_panelseq
bash -o <out_path>
After the selected data were downloaded, one has multiple paths to follow. To generate models from the processed data the code section below would be sufficient:
Rscript src/model_DR.R <dataset> <path_to_data_dir> <path_to_write_models> <number of runs> <number of cores>
example (building models using CCLE or beatAML datasets, running 1 modeling run per drug using 10 cores:
bash -o ./
Rscript src/model_DR.R CCLE ./data ./results 1 10
A modeling run for each drug can be repeated multiple times (we do this for PDX samples):
Rscript src/model_DR.R PDX ./data ./results 20 10
Once the models are built, performance metrics and variable importance metrics can be extracted and saved with the following
Rscript ./src/analyse_models.R ./results 20 #using 10 cores to process results
Finally, figures and tables can be collated:
Rscript ./src/collate_figures_tables.R ./results < out_path>