In this repository we provide all the code to replicate the analyses presented in
Specifically, the code is organized in 5 directories:
step0_data_preprocessing, to perform variant calling and data preprocessing;
step1_signatures_discovery_training_set, to perform signatures discovery on the training dataset from NCBI BioProject PRJNA645906;
step2_signatures_validation_testing_set, to perform signatures assignments on the testing datasets from NCBI BioProjects PRJNA625551, PRJNA633948, PRJNA636748 and PRJNA647529;
step3_signatures_bootstrap, to perform assessment of signatures significance by bootstrap both on training dataset and testing datasets;
step4_VERSO_step1_training_set, to perform phylogenetic inference by VERSO step 1 on training dataset;
step5_MrBayes_training_set, to perform phylogenetic inference by MrBayes on training dataset.
figures, to generate the figures included in the manuscript. Move to this directory and run or source the 'generate_plots.R' script.
All the software contained in this repository is distributed under Apache License.