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Jorrit Poelen edited this page Oct 30, 2015 · 1 revision

#Hacking Measurement Oct 29 Seminar Notes

For agenda, more notes and context, see .

####date 29 Oct 2015

####location 202 South Hall, UC Berkeley

####attendees Jong-kai, Dav, Nisreen, Jorrit, + <10 others


####notes Suggestions for EDAM next steps based on audience feedback and discussion:

  1. show timelines of completeness over time, progression
  2. organize hack-a-thon to open data with specific goals (e.g. specific organisms, areas)
  3. share link to website to stakeholders / related to
  4. add more organisms in addition to birds (Aves)
  5. do marketing, provide back story
  6. enable distributed work models: no central point of organization
  7. personally contact stakeholders, ask feedback and iterate