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jonathanwang017 edited this page Sep 24, 2015 · 30 revisions

Welcome to the EDAM wiki!

Please feel free to add pages, make updates and correct stuff. All pages are under version control, so no information is lost!

Meeting Notes - a record of our meetings minutes

Information List - references to related initiatives / literature / other resources

Issues/Action items - where we keep track of our work


name github handle nano-bio
Jorrit Poelen @jhpoelen freelance software engineer building open tools for open data
Jonathan Wang @jonathanwang017 junior studying CS / Stats
Donald Duck @donaldduck sophomore with major in CS / EECS and minor in public policy
... ... ...

###Island Ecostation Candidates

location institution contacts
Moorea, French Polynesia Richard Gump Research Station Neil Davis
Friday Harbor, Washington, USA Friday Harbor Laboratories Billie J. Swalla
Kaua'i(?) or Manoa(?), Hawai'i, USA University of Hawaii SOEST Ruth D. Gates
Galápagos Islands, Ecuador Galapagos Conservancy Dan Sherman