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Releases: BGI-shenzhen/VCF2Dis


03 Feb 07:53
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This release hewm2008/VCF2Dis-1.53.tar.gz is stable and much fast version and with a new funtion
1 Rand some sites for NJ-tree fot the construct boostrap nj-tree.
2 Can read muti vcf file in or vcf list in
3 The speed is at least 200% higher than the 1.36 version[4h-->1h]
4 Random seed(srand time) accuracy increased from second to microsecond
5 add a online website (fastme) to p_dis.mat construct to nj.tree
6 can compile With multi-thread if openmpi(mpirun) exists (much faster) (see bin/VCF2Dis-multi )
7 add a Rscript to construct to nj.tree and more fast than 1.44

Singularity SIF file can download here vcf2dis_1.53e.sif


20 Jun 10:02
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This release hewm2008/VCF2Dis-1.50.tar.gz is stable and much fast version and with a new funtion
1 Rand some sites for NJ-tree fot the construct boostrap nj-tree.
2 Can read muti vcf file in or vcf list in
3 The speed is at least 200% higher than the 1.36 version【4h-->1h】
4 Random seed(srand time) accuracy increased from second to microsecond
5 add a online website (fastme) to p_dis.mat construct to nj.tree
6 can compile With multi-thread if openmpi(mpirun) exists(much fast)


25 Jul 02:33
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This release hewm2008/VCF2Dis-1.47.tar.gz is stable and much fast version and with a new funtion
1 Rand some sites for NJ-tree fot the construct boostrap nj-tree.
2 Can read muti vcf file in or vcf list in
3 The speed is at least 200% higher than the 1.36 version【4h-->1h】
4 Random seed(srand time) accuracy increased from second to microsecond
5 add a online website (fastme) to p_dis.mat construct to nj.tree


29 May 05:48
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This release VCF2Dis-1.36.tar.gz is stable and much fast version and with a new funtion
1 Rand some sites for NJ-tree fot the construct boostrap nj-tree.
2 Can read muti vcf file in or vcf list in