- Karyotyping is a process of pairing and ordering human chromosomes depending on size, centromere position, and banding pattern.
- It is used to analyse human chromosomes for various genetic disorders especially during prenatal screenings.
- Since manual karyotyping is a labor intensive and a time consuming task, we have developed an automatic computer-assisted karyotyping system.
- The proposed Automated Karyotyping System detects chromosomes from the microscopic image with the help of Faster RCNN with inception v2 model, classifies them with the help of inception v3 model and with cytogenetic parameter i.e length of chromosome.
Fig: Karyotype Image
Install Python 3.4 or above
sudo apt-get install python3
- Clone the repository from
git clone https://github.com/BE-7/KarYo.git
- Open Command Prompt/ Terminal and run the following command to install all the required packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Execute the frame python file to start.
python frame.py
- Open an image that has to be analysed from the menu bar.
- Click on Detect button to detect individual chromosome in the input image.
- Click on Process button to determine the length of individual chromosome.
- Use various options available in View menu to view intermediate steps of length determination.
- Click on Classify button to pass the individual chromosome for classification.
- Click on Edit button to use the interactive drag and drop feature for arrangement of classified chromosomes.
- Click on Reset button to undo all the changes.
- Click on Generate Karyotype button to display the final karyotype.