MathieuFunctions v1.2.0
Closed issues:
- CharacteristicL tests are failing (#2)
- Example in README does not produce the correct spectrum (#3)
- Characteristic values with negative q (#5)
- Problem during Installation (#6)
- Retrigger Registrator.jl (#10)
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrade for Julia v1 (#1) (@jlapeyre)
- Fixing q and nu ordering in charA and charB. -MW (#7) (@matthewware)
- move charA range to 1:1 -MW (#8) (@matthewware)
- Fix/travis (#9) (@matthewware)
- Remove redundant use of round (#11) (@jlapeyre)
- Make some small style/effciency improvements (#12) (@jlapeyre)
- Create CI.yml (#13) (@matthewware)
- Create CompatHelper.yml (#14) (@matthewware)
- Create Codecov.yml (#15) (@matthewware)