BFBAN discord机器人支持查询玩家bfban状态、查询玩家信息、举报玩家、玩家申诉、网站回复消息等。
- 该项目将持续更新
- 如果你有更好的建议, 可以联系开发者 [email protected]
!checkBan <name>
!getPlayerStats <name>
!timeLine <name>
机器人登录bfban,并获取token,token用于举报以及申诉 (config里面机器人超管专属指令)
- 注意:以上待实现功能并未考虑实际操作可行性以及实现难度,不代表最终实现结果.
The BFBAN discord robot supports querying player bfban status, querying player information, reporting players, player appeals, website reply messages, etc.
- This project will be continuously updated
- If you have better suggestions, you can contact the developer [email protected]
query command list
Report player to bfban
bfban Stonehammer player to appeal
!checkBan <name>
Check player bfban status
!getPlayerStats <name>
query player's simple career information
query player detailed career information
query website statistics
!timeLine <name>
query case timeline (unimplemented)
The robot logs in to bfban and obtains the token, which is used for reporting and appealing (exclusive instructions for robot overrun in config)
The project has completed preliminary compilation, the following are the functions to be implemented
3. Change the single search name for viewing bfban information to an approximate search for the reported player's name and historical name
- Note: The above functions to be implemented do not consider the actual operation feasibility and implementation difficulty, and do not represent the final implementation results.