Android Storage Client Library 0.6.0
- Added support for SAS to the Azure File service.
- Added support for Append Blob.
- Added support for Access Control Lists (ACL) to File Shares.
- Added support for getting and setting of CORS rules to File service.
- Added support for ShareStats to File Shares.
- Added support for copying an Azure File to another Azure File or a Block Blob asynchronously, and aborting Azure File copy operations asynchronously.
- Added support for copying a Blob to an Azure File asynchronously.
- Added support for setting a maximum quota property on a File Share.
- Removed deprecated AuthenticationScheme and its getter and setter. In the future only SharedKey will be used.
- Removed deprecated getter/setters for all request option properties on the service clients. Please use the default request options getter/setters instead.
- Removed getSubDirectoryReference() for blob directories and file directories. Use getDirectoryReference() instead.
- Removed getEntityClass() in TableQuery. Please use getClazzType() instead.
- Added client-side verification for lease duration and break periods.
- Deprecated the setters in table for timestamp as this property is only modifiable by the service.
- Deprecated startCopyFromBlob() on CloudBlob. Use startCopy() instead.
- Deprecated the Credentials and StorageKey classes. Please use the appropriate methods on StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey instead.
- Deprecated constructors which take service clients in favor of constructors which take credentials.
- Fixed a bug where the DateBackwardCompatibility flag was not applied if set on the CloudTableClient default request options.
- Changed library behavior to retry all exceptions thrown when parsing a response object.
- Changed behavior to stop removing query parameters passed in with the resource URI if that URI contains a SAS token. Some query parameters such as comp, restype, snapshot and api-version will still be removed.
- Added support for logging StringToSign to SharedKey and SAS.
- Added a connect timeout to prevent hangs when establishing the network connection.
- Made performance enhancements to the BlobOutputStream class.