6.0.0 (2025-02-19)
Features Added
Added operation TagsOperations.beginCreateOrUpdateAtScope
Added operation TagsOperations.beginCreateOrUpdateAtScopeAndWait
Added operation TagsOperations.beginDeleteAtScope
Added operation TagsOperations.beginDeleteAtScopeAndWait
Added operation TagsOperations.beginUpdateAtScope
Added operation TagsOperations.beginUpdateAtScopeAndWait
Added Interface DeploymentDiagnosticsDefinition
Added Interface DeploymentParameter
Added Interface KeyVaultParameterReference
Added Interface KeyVaultReference
Added Interface ResourceGroupsDeleteHeaders
Added Interface TagsCreateOrUpdateAtScopeHeaders
Added Interface TagsDeleteAtScopeHeaders
Added Interface TagsUpdateAtScopeHeaders
Added Type Alias ExportTemplateOutputFormat
Added Type Alias Level
Added Type Alias ValidationLevel
Interface DeploymentProperties has a new optional parameter validationLevel
Interface DeploymentPropertiesExtended has a new optional parameter diagnostics
Interface DeploymentPropertiesExtended has a new optional parameter validationLevel
Interface DeploymentValidateResult has a new optional parameter id
Interface DeploymentValidateResult has a new optional parameter name
Interface DeploymentValidateResult has a new optional parameter type
Interface ExportTemplateRequest has a new optional parameter outputFormat
Interface ResourceGroupExportResult has a new optional parameter output
Interface TagsCreateOrUpdateAtScopeOptionalParams has a new optional parameter resumeFrom
Interface TagsCreateOrUpdateAtScopeOptionalParams has a new optional parameter updateIntervalInMs
Interface TagsDeleteAtScopeOptionalParams has a new optional parameter resumeFrom
Interface TagsDeleteAtScopeOptionalParams has a new optional parameter updateIntervalInMs
Interface TagsUpdateAtScopeOptionalParams has a new optional parameter resumeFrom
Interface TagsUpdateAtScopeOptionalParams has a new optional parameter updateIntervalInMs
Interface WhatIfChange has a new optional parameter deploymentId
Interface WhatIfChange has a new optional parameter identifiers
Interface WhatIfChange has a new optional parameter symbolicName
Interface WhatIfOperationResult has a new optional parameter diagnostics
Interface WhatIfOperationResult has a new optional parameter potentialChanges
Added Enum KnownExportTemplateOutputFormat
Added Enum KnownLevel
Added Enum KnownValidationLevel
Breaking Changes
Removed operation TagsOperations.createOrUpdateAtScope
Removed operation TagsOperations.deleteAtScope
Removed operation TagsOperations.updateAtScope
Class ResourceManagementClient has a new signature
Type of parameter parameters of interface DeploymentProperties is changed from Record<string, unknown> to {
[propertyName: string]: DeploymentParameter;
You can’t perform that action at this time.