Etisalat Egypt
- Egypt
Daily_Forecast Public
Daily forecast app built with Jetpack Compose and the latest android libraries.
AndroidDevelopmentNotes Public
Forked from dracula151997/AndroidDevelopmentNotesUpdatedDec 1, 2023 -
Honey-Mart-Android-Client Public
Forked from TheChance101/Honey-Mart-Android-ClientKotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 28, 2023 -
Flow Public
Forked from mibrahimdev/Flow🕰️ Time tracker app & Jetpack compose learning playground
Fashion_App Public
Forked from VolunteerAndroidDevelopersTraining-VADT/Mens_Fashion_App_V1_G1 -
SpaceX_rocket_launchers Public
Multiplatform app using Ktor and SQLDelight that retrieves data over the internet from the public SpaceX API, saves it in a local database, and displays a list of SpaceX rocket launches together wi…
Kotlin UpdatedDec 25, 2022 -
movies-explorer Public
Forked from hfeky/movies-explorerAn Android app for exploring movies of the past decade.
compose-ktor-chat-client Public
Forked from AhmedNMahran/compose-ktor-chat-clientThis is a sample to demonstrate how to use Compose with Ktor Websockets, did it in this session during MENADD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL3Jk_RZqO8
awesome-interview-questions Public
Forked from DopplerHQ/awesome-interview-questionsA curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute! 🎓
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