An encryption cli tool for directories and files written purely in Rust. Uses AES-GCM with 128 bit encryption.
git clone
cargo install --path rustencrypter
./rustencrypter <input file> <--[e]ncrypt|--[d]ecrypt> --[k]ey <key file>
Note encryption and decryption will overwrite the source file, this will be altered in future with a flag
You can only do a single encrypt or decrypt operation per call
- Encrypt a file
- Encrypt all files in a given directory
- Automatic key generation (creates "key" in calling/working directory) or requested directory/file
- User can specify specific key file (16 bit)
- Fresh nonce every encryption
- Encryption/decryption chaining
You can chain multiple encryptions and decryptions symmetrically for added security.
./rustencrypter file -e
./rustencrypter file -e
./rustencrypter file -d
./rustencrypter file -d
- Release compiled binaries for all platforms
- Add an optional flag for an output file
- Add authentication for tamper detection (HMAC)
- Add support for embedded encryption and decryption chaining
- Refactor for speed using callbacks
- Fix some race conditions in the test cases
- Multi-threads or Async for directory encryption/decryption
- Add python bindings (personal project)
Feel to do any pull requests or let me know about any issues.