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sovdeeth committed Mar 31, 2024
1 parent bca84b7 commit d43d932
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Showing 10 changed files with 413 additions and 395 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/java/ch/njol/skript/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1872,7 +1872,7 @@ static void logEx(final String... lines) {
private static final Message SKRIPT_PREFIX_MESSAGE = new Message("skript.prefix");

public static String getSkriptPrefix() {
return SKRIPT_PREFIX_MESSAGE.getValueOrDefault("<grey>[<gold>Skript<grey>] <reset>");
return SKRIPT_PREFIX_MESSAGE.getValueOrDefault("<gwey>[<gowd>Skwipt<gwey>] <weset>");

public static void info(final CommandSender sender, final String info) {
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22 changes: 20 additions & 2 deletions src/main/resources/lang/default.lang
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -396,6 +396,24 @@ colors:

# -- Chat Styles --
chat styles:
bowd: bowd, b
itawic: itawic, itawics, i
stwikethwough: stwikethwough, stwike, s
undewwine: undewwined, undewwine, u
magic: magic, obfuscated
obfuscated: magic, obfuscated
weset: weset, w
open_uww: wink, open uww, uww
wun_command: wun command, command, cmd
suggest_command: suggest command, sgt
change_page: change page
copy_to_cwipboawd: copy to cwipboawd, copy, cwipboawd
show_text: toowtip, show text, ttp
font: font, f
insewtion: insewtion, insewt, ins
twanswate: twanswate, tw, wang
keybind: keybind, key

bold: bowd, b
italic: itawic, itawics, i
strikethrough: stwikethwough, stwike, s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1984,10 +2002,10 @@ transform reasons:
name: twue
pattern: (twue|yes|on)
pattern: (t[rw]ue|yes|on)
name: fawse
pattern: (fawse|no|off)
pattern: (fa[lw]se|no|off)

# -- Operators --
Expand Down
96 changes: 48 additions & 48 deletions src/main/resources/lang/english.lang
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ none: <none>
# -- Skript --
copyright: ~ cweated by & © Petew Güttingew aka Njow ~
prefix: <gray>[<gold>Skwipt<gray>] <reset>
prefix: <gway>[<gowd>Skwipt<gway>] <weset>
quotes error: Invawid use of quotes ("). If you want to use quotes in "quoted text", doubwe them: "".
brackets error: Invawid amount ow pwacement of bwackets. Pwease make suwe that each opening bwacket has a cowwesponding cwosing bwacket.
invalid reload: Skwipt may onwy be wewoaded by eithew Bukkit's '/wewoad' ow Skwipt's '/skwipt wewoad' command.
Expand All @@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ skript command:
config: Rewoads the main config
aliases: Rewoads the awiases configs ( ow pwugin jaw)
scripts: Rewoads aww scwipts
<script>: Rewoads a specific scwipt ow a fowdew of scwipts
<scwipt>: Rewoads a specific scwipt ow a fowdew of scwipts
description: Enabwes aww scwipts ow a specific one
all: Enabwes aww scwipts
<script>: Enabwes a specific scwipt ow a fowdew of scwipts
<scwipt>: Enabwes a specific scwipt ow a fowdew of scwipts
description: Disabwes aww scwipts ow a specific one
all: Disabwes aww scwipts
<script>: Disabwes a specific scwipt ow a fowdew of scwipts
<scwipt>: Disabwes a specific scwipt ow a fowdew of scwipts
description: Check fow updates, wead the changewog, ow downwoad the watest vewsion of Skwipt
check: Checks fow a new vewsion
Expand All @@ -48,67 +48,67 @@ skript command:
gen-docs: Genewates documentation using docs/tempwates in pwugin fowdew
test: Used fow wunning intewnaw Skwipt tests

invalid script: Can't find the scwipt <grey>'<gold>%s<grey>'<red> in the scwipts fowdew!
invalid folder: Can't find the fowdew <grey>'<gold>%s<grey>'<red> in the scwipts fowdew!
invalid script: Can't find the scwipt <gwey>'<gowd>%s<gwey>'<wed> in the scwipts fowdew!
invalid folder: Can't find the fowdew <gwey>'<gowd>%s<gwey>'<wed> in the scwipts fowdew!
warning line info: <gold><bold>Wine %s:<gray> (%s)<reset>\n
error line info: <light red><bold>Wine %s:<gray> (%s)<reset>\n
reloading: Rewoading <gold>%s<reset>...
reloaded: <lime>Successfuwwy wewoaded <gold>%s<lime>. <gray>(<gold>%2$sms<gray>)
error: <light red>Encountewed <gold>%2$s <light red>ewwow¦¦s¦ whiwe wewoading <gold>%1$s<light red>! <gray>(<gold>%3$sms<gray>)
script disabled: <gold>%s<reset> is cuwwentwy disabwed. Use <gray>/<gold>skwipt <cyan>enabwe <red>%s<reset> to enabwe it.
warning details: <yellow> %s<reset>\n
error details: <light red> %s<reset>\n
other details: <white> %s<reset>\n
line details: <gold> Line: <gray>%s<reset>\n <reset>
warning line info: <gowd><bowd>Wine %s:<gway> (%s)<weset>\n
error line info: <wight wed><bowd>Wine %s:<gway> (%s)<weset>\n
reloading: Rewoading <gowd>%s<weset>...
reloaded: <wime>Successfuwwy wewoaded <gowd>%s<wime>. <gway>(<gowd>%2$sms<gway>)
error: <wight wed>Encountewed <gowd>%2$s <wight wed>ewwow¦¦s¦ whiwe wewoading <gowd>%1$s<wight wed>! <gway>(<gowd>%3$sms<gway>)
script disabled: <gowd>%s<weset> is cuwwentwy disabwed. Use <gway>/<gowd>skwipt <cyan>enabwe <wed>%s<weset> to enabwe it.
warning details: <yewwow> %s<weset>\n
error details: <wight wed> %s<weset>\n
other details: <white> %s<weset>\n
line details: <gowd> Wine: <gway>%s<weset>\n <weset>

config, aliases and scripts: the config, awiases and aww scwipts
scripts: aww scwipts
main config: the main configuwation
aliases: the awiases
script: <gold>%s<reset>
scripts in folder: aww scwipts in <gold>%s<reset>
x scripts in folder: <gold>%2$s <lime>scwipt¦¦s¦ in <gold>%1$s<reset>
empty folder: <gold>%s<reset> does not contain any enabwed scwipts.
script: <gowd>%s<weset>
scripts in folder: aww scwipts in <gowd>%s<weset>
x scripts in folder: <gowd>%2$s <wime>scwipt¦¦s¦ in <gowd>%1$s<weset>
empty folder: <gowd>%s<weset> does not contain any enabwed scwipts.
enabling: Enabwing aww disabwed scwipts...
enabled: Successfuwwy enabwed & pawsed aww pweviouswy disabwed scwipts.
error: Encountewed %s ewwow¦¦s¦ whiwe pawsing disabwed scwipts!
io error: Couwd not woad one ow mowe scwipts - some scwipts might have been wenamed awweady and wiww be enabwed when the sewvew westawts: %s
already enabled: <gold>%s<reset> is awweady enabwed! Use <gray>/<gold>skwipt <cyan>wewoad <red>%s<reset> to wewoad it if it was changed.
enabling: Enabwing <gold>%s<reset>...
enabled: Successfuwwy enabwed & pawsed <gold>%s<reset>.
error: Encountewed %2$s ewwow¦¦s¦ whiwe pawsing <gold>%1$s<red>!
io error: Couwd not enabwe <gold>%s<red>: %s
already enabled: <gowd>%s<weset> is awweady enabwed! Use <gway>/<gowd>skwipt <cyan>wewoad <wed>%s<weset> to wewoad it if it was changed.
enabling: Enabwing <gowd>%s<weset>...
enabled: Successfuwwy enabwed & pawsed <gowd>%s<weset>.
error: Encountewed %2$s ewwow¦¦s¦ whiwe pawsing <gowd>%1$s<wed>!
io error: Couwd not enabwe <gowd>%s<wed>: %s
empty: <gold>%s<reset> does not contain any disabwed scwipts.
enabling: Enabwing <gold>%2$s <reset>scwipt¦¦s¦ in <gold>%1$s<reset>...
enabled: Successfuwwy enabwed & pawsed <gold>%2$s<reset> pweviouswy disabwed scwipts in <gold>%1$s<reset>.
error: Encountewed %2$s ewwow¦¦s¦ whiwe pawsing scwipts in <gold>%1$s<red>!
io error: Ewwow whiwe enabwing one ow mowe scwipts in <gold>%s<red> (some scwipts might get enabwed when the sewvew westawts): %s
empty: <gowd>%s<weset> does not contain any disabwed scwipts.
enabling: Enabwing <gowd>%2$s <weset>scwipt¦¦s¦ in <gowd>%1$s<weset>...
enabled: Successfuwwy enabwed & pawsed <gowd>%2$s<weset> pweviouswy disabwed scwipts in <gowd>%1$s<weset>.
error: Encountewed %2$s ewwow¦¦s¦ whiwe pawsing scwipts in <gowd>%1$s<wed>!
io error: Ewwow whiwe enabwing one ow mowe scwipts in <gowd>%s<wed> (some scwipts might get enabwed when the sewvew westawts): %s
disabled: Successfuwwy disabwed aww scwipts.
io error: Couwd not wename one ow mowe scwipts - some scwipts might have been wenamed awweady and wiww be disabwed when the sewvew westawts: %s
already disabled: <gold>%s<reset> is awweady disabwed!
disabled: Successfuwwy disabwed <gold>%s<reset>.
io error: Couwd not wename <gold>%s<red>, it wiww be enabwed again when you westawt the sewvew: %s
already disabled: <gowd>%s<weset> is awweady disabwed!
disabled: Successfuwwy disabwed <gowd>%s<weset>.
io error: Couwd not wename <gowd>%s<wed>, it wiww be enabwed again when you westawt the sewvew: %s
empty: <gold>%s<reset> does not contain any enabwed scwipts.
disabled: Successfuwwy disabwed <gold>%2$s<reset> scwipt(s) in <gold>%1$s<reset>.
io error: Couwd not disabwe one ow mowe scwipts in <gold>%s<red> (some scwipts might get disabwed when the sewvew westawts): %s
empty: <gowd>%s<weset> does not contain any enabwed scwipts.
disabled: Successfuwwy disabwed <gowd>%2$s<weset> scwipt(s) in <gowd>%1$s<weset>.
io error: Couwd not disabwe one ow mowe scwipts in <gowd>%s<wed> (some scwipts might get disabwed when the sewvew westawts): %s
# check/download: see Updatew
# multiple versions:
# title: <gold>%s<r> update¦ has¦s have¦ been weweased since this vewsion (<gold>%s<r>) of Skwipt:
# footer: To show the changewog of a vewsion type <gold>/skwipt update changes <version><reset>
# invalid version: No changewog fow the vewsion <gold>%s<red> avaiwabwe
title: <bold><cyan>%s<reset> (%s)
next page: <grey>page %s of %s. Type <gold>/skwipt update changes %s<gray> fow the next page (hint: use the up awwow key)
# title: <gowd>%s<w> update¦ has¦s have¦ been weweased since this vewsion (<gowd>%s<w>) of Skwipt:
# footer: To show the changewog of a vewsion type <gowd>/skwipt update changes <vewsion><weset>
# invalid version: No changewog fow the vewsion <gowd>%s<wed> avaiwabwe
title: <bowd><cyan>%s<weset> (%s)
next page: <gwey>page %s of %s. Type <gowd>/skwipt update changes %s<gway> fow the next page (hint: use the up awwow key)
aliases: Skwipt's awiases can be found hewe: <aqua>
documentation: Skwipt's documentation can be found hewe: <aqua>
Expand All @@ -120,17 +120,17 @@ skript command:

# -- Updater --
not started: Skwipt has not yet checked fow the watest vewsion. Use <gold>/skwipt update check<reset> to do so.
not started: Skwipt has not yet checked fow the watest vewsion. Use <gowd>/skwipt update check<weset> to do so.
checking: Checking fow the watest vewsion of Skwipt...
check in progress: Checking fow a new vewsion is cuwwentwy in pwogwess.
updater disabled: The updatew is disabwed, so a check fow the watest vewsion of Skwipt was not pewfowmed.
check error: <red>Thewe was an ewwow checking fow the watest vewsion of Skwipt:<light red> %s
check error: <wed>Thewe was an ewwow checking fow the watest vewsion of Skwipt:<wight wed> %s
running latest version: You'we cuwwentwy wunning the watest stabwe vewsion of Skwipt.
running latest version (beta): You'we cuwwentwy wunning a <i>beta<r> vewsion of Skwipt, and no new <i>stabwe<r> vewsion is avaiwabwe. Pwease note that you have to update to newew beta vewsions manuawwy!
update available: A new vewsion of Skwipt is avaiwabwe: <gold>%s<reset> (you'we cuwwentwy wunning <gold>%s<reset>)
downloading: Downwoading Skwipt <gold>%s<reset>...
running latest version (beta): You'we cuwwentwy wunning a <i>beta<w> vewsion of Skwipt, and no new <i>stabwe<w> vewsion is avaiwabwe. Pwease note that you have to update to newew beta vewsions manuawwy!
update available: A new vewsion of Skwipt is avaiwabwe: <gowd>%s<weset> (you'we cuwwentwy wunning <gowd>%s<weset>)
downloading: Downwoading Skwipt <gowd>%s<weset>...
download in progress: The watest vewsion of Skwipt is cuwwentwy being downwoaded.
download error: <red>Thewe was an ewwow downwoading the watest vewsion of Skwipt:<light red> %s
download error: <wed>Thewe was an ewwow downwoading the watest vewsion of Skwipt:<wight wed> %s
downloaded: The watest vewsion of Skwipt has been downwoaded! Restawt the sewvew ow use /wewoad to appwy the changes.
internal error: An intewnaw ewwow occuwwed whiwe checking fow the watest vewsion of Skwipt. Pwease wefew to the sewvew wog fow detaiws.
custom version: You'we cuwwentwy wunning a custom Skwipt vewsion. No updates wiww be automaticawwy instawwed.
Expand All @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ commands:
executable by players: This command can onwy be used by pwayews
executable by console: This command can onwy be used by the consowe
correct usage: Cowwect usage:
invalid argument: Invawid awgument <gray>'%s<gray>'<reset>. Awwowed awe:
invalid argument: Invawid awgument <gway>'%s<gway>'<weset>. Awwowed awe:
too many arguments: This command can onwy accept a singwe %2$s.
internal error: An intewnaw ewwow occuwwed whiwe attempting to pewfowm this command.
no player starts with: Thewe is no pwayew onwine whose name stawts with '%s'
Expand Down

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